Chapter 9

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Montreal, Canada
Dredge Forest
December 9th
1300 Hours

After I saw my captor from last night, I ran.
I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction, towards the forest behind the shack.
I could hear him yell and start to chase after me.
I tried to think of a plan, but my mind went blank with terror.
All I could think of was getting away.
My wounds throbbed from the memory.
I didn't even care where I was going.
I just hoped to god, or whoever was up there, that I could get far away from him.
My legs started to get tired.
"No! No! Just a little more!"
Then I tripped on a rock.
I fell face-first into the dirt.
I tried crawling away, but a hand grabbed my ankle.
I screamed and kicked the hand away.
"Ow! What gives, freckles?!"
Trís rubbed her hand.
"Trís! Oh I'm so glad it's you!" I stood up and wrapped my arms around her.
"Woah! What the hell are you talking about? What's got you so scared anyway?" She demanded.
"God, you're a mess... Come on, let's go back to the hotel. You're gonna tell me everything." She took my by the wrist and dragged me back to the hotel.
I looked around the forest for any sign of my captor.
It's like he just vanished...!
There's no sign of him! No blood, no bodies...
I kept trying to come up with an explanation as me and Trís walked back to the hotel.
We sat down at one of the tables.
"Spill it. Why were you running through the forest all panicked? What, was there an axe murderer chasing you?" Trís said.
"No... It was the kidnapper from last night... He was chasing after me, but then he just...disappeared!" I panted.
Trís raised an eyebrow at me.
"I know it sounds crazy but I know what I saw!" I cried.
"Did you eat something weird? Did you get a concussion?" Trís looked less annoyed and more concerned. (Probably for my sanity)
"Here, why don't you go back to your room... I think you need some rest... and a psychiatrist..." She stood up.
I stood up as well and walked back to my room, disoriented.
I laid down on my bed.
"Was Trís right? Did I just hallucinate that whole thing? Maybe I am crazy..." I sighed.
"If it helps, you didn't imagine Fang chasing you."
"Thank goodne-"
I quickly turned to the sound of the voice.
There was a boy around 'Fang's' age leaning on the wall behind me.
"If it wasn't for me, you would probably have to be in the hospital right now. He is mad..." He shook his head.
"Wait, what...? Who are you? Are you with him?!" I scrambled up from the bed.
He just laughed. "Yeah, but it's not what you think."
"Fang doesn't speak for us. He's regarded as the "loose cannon" in the organization. Plays by his own rules and makes his own plans. No matter how cruel they are..." He sighed.
"But unlike him, we have some qualms with killing children... And if we had a choice, we would've stayed hidden until we've amassed enough recruits." He shrugged.
"So that means I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just here to relay a message." He put his hands up.
I narrowed my eyes.
"Which is...?"
"There's no point in trying to stop us now."
"Why not? Me and my friends already-"
"Your friends are already taken out of commission."
My eyes widened.
No...he's bluffing...!
"See for yourself."
He took out a printed photo.
Everyone was in a cell, including Merlyn. Some even had shackles around their wrists.
Except for Mike.
Mike wasn't in the picture at all...!
He's safe!
"The only reason you were spared is because you're no threat to us." He said.
"I will admit, you're a smart cookie, but that won't help without your friends to back you up."
"So don't make this harder on yourself. Don't worry, your friends will be let go after we're finished here." He put the photo back in his pocket.
"Well, nice meeting you. And remember what I said..."
"Oh, and why don't you visit the Maple Syrup Reserve? Heard it's pretty cool!"
The stranger opened the door and walked out, leaving me alone.
I can't just give up!
I have to find out what they're planning!
First I have to find Mike.
He would know what to do!
"I have absolutely no idea what to do."
I met up with Mike in an equipment closet.
"Come on! Please, our friends need our help!" I pleaded.
"You're the evil organization expert! I know how to deal with bullies, not entire criminal organizations!" He cried.
"Can you at least help me make a plan?" I asked.
"I can try..." Mike shrugged.
"Okay, what should we do first...?"
"Well, maybe we can find the recruits first... Then they can lead us to their base...!" Mike started.
"And we can free our friends, find out whatever they're planning and stop it!"
Mike smiled.
"We might have a chance at this after all!"

-Resentful skater girl

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