Chapter 6

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Montreal, Canada
December ?th
??? Hours
(TW: Blade use, blood, wounds)

I felt like crap.
A telltale sign of being drugged.
Although I knew I opened my eyes, I didn't see anything.
I could feel thick metal wires dig into my skin as they bound me to another person.
"Hey...who's there..." I asked the other person.
"Ben...what happened... my head's all fuzzy..."
Merlyn! He's okay!
Oh, what have I done?!
Because of me, he got dragged into all this!
"Do you know where we are?" I asked.
"No... I can't see anything..." He replied.
Well, it was worth a try.
"Just stay calm! If these guys wanted to hurt us, they would've done it earlier!" I tried my best to comfort him.
But since I couldn't see his reaction, I have no idea if it worked.
"I wouldn't be so sure of that."
The voice was unfamiliar, but it sent a chill down my spine just the same.
I could hear him approach. Judging by the weight of his steps and his voice, I'd say he's about 17 years old.
Mostly by his voice.
A good thing about not being able to see is that you can hear, smell, and feel a lot more.
I didn't hear the click of a gun or the clinking of metal, so maybe his weapon, if he has one, is sheathed.
I could smell the gasoline I smelled on my attacker.
I was getting increasingly concerned why.
"You're awfully young to be in the CIA..." He said.
"I'm not in the CIA! I'm just a normal 14-year-old!" I cried.
"Oh, Ripley... You've never been very good at lying, have you?"
I heard a blade being unsheathed, along with the cold touch of a blade to my neck.
"You need me for something, don't you? That's why I'm still alive." I demanded.
The stranger was silent for a moment. Then he chuckled.
"Just because I can't kill you doesn't mean I can't hurt you."
I felt the blade travel up to my jaw.
"And I would hate for you to be cut up in front of your boyfriend."
"Don't hurt him! Take me instead!" Merlyn shouted desperately.
The stranger made a cruel laugh. "You don't have anything I want! The only reason you're here is because I didn't want to leave any witnesses."
I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek where the blade pierced my skin.
I wanted to cry out in pain, but I didn't want whoever this guy is to think I'll be easy to get information from.
But it still really hurt.
"Don't try to play hero. If you don't 'fess up, it's just gonna get worse." He growled.
He removed the blade from my face. Warm blood dripped down my cheek.
"I'm not telling you anything." I spat.
The stranger clicked his tongue.
"Looks like you need some more convincing..."
My blindfold was ripped off.
The wires binding me were loosened and I was dragged to the floor.
I looked up at my attacker.
My initial assumptions were correct.
He looked about 17, he had dark brown hair in an undercut, and he held a now bloody combat knife.
"You do realize you revealed yourself, right? Now we know for sure that there's a new criminal organization." I pointed out.
"I know who you are. You're Benjamin Ripley. The boy who took down not one, but two previous organizations that the CIA hadn't even known existed. You would have figured it out anyways." He said.
"What do you want from me anyways?"
"I want you to tell me where you and your friends are staying." He held the knife to my chin.
"What? You don't know?" I taunted.
"We're not SPYDER. We are not all-seeing. Now tell me, and I might let you and your boyfriend go unscathed." He narrowed his dark eyes.
"Fat chance! I'm not letting my friends die because I was too much of a chicken!" I snapped.
"Fine, have it your way."
His hand clamped around my wrist and rolled up my sleeve.
"Oh, and scream all you want. No one's gonna hear you but us."
In one quick motion, the knife cut into my wrist.
I yelped in pain.
The knife traced over my underarm. It slowly dug into my flesh.
The stranger dragged it along my arm, creating a bigger wound.
"You can make this stop. All you need to do is tell me which room your friends are staying at..." He said.
I flashed him a defiant glare.
"Have it your way."
He pulled his knife away from my arm.
And stabbed it into my hand.
I let out a scream, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Stop it! Please! I'll do anything you want! Just leave Ben alone!" Merlyn begged.
"Shut up! This isn't your business, Merlyn!" The stranger snapped.
He slowly took it out of my hand.
"Not so cocky now, are you?" He taunted.
He raised his combat knife for another strike.
I shut my eyes tight, waiting for another wound to be inflicted.
It never came.
I heard the buzz of electricity and the sound of the stranger collapsing on the floor.
I opened my eyes and looked up at my savior.
Although her face remained unexpressive, I could see the worry and fear in her eyes.
"Erica! How did-"
"We were looking for you out in the woods when I heard you scream." There was a shakiness to her voice.
"Wait, we?" I cocked my head.
My question was answered by Jawa coming in.
"Ben! What happened?" Jawa rushed over to me.
"Can...can we go back to the hotel first...?" I asked.
Erica nodded.
"Can you stand?" She asked.
I nodded, shakily getting to my feet.
"Let's get your arm fixed up as soon as possible." Jawa pat my shoulder.
"Jawa, untie Merlyn and grab that other guy." Erica ordered.
Jawa went right to work loosening the wire and taking off Merlyn's blindfold.
"Ben! Oh Ben..." He ran over to me as soon as he was free.
"I'm fine, don't worry... I'll explain everything when we get back, okay?" I made a small, awkward smile.
Then I felt lightheaded.
I stumbled on my feet as I felt the room spin.
Merlyn caught me before I could fall to the floor.
"He must've lost some blood. Can you carry him back?" Erica asked Merlyn, who nodded.
"You're gonna be okay."
That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

-Resentful skater girl for sure

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