Chapter 4

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Montreal, Canada
Hotel Room
December 9th
740 Hours

"Augh... What time is it...?"
I clambered out of bed to look at my clock.
After tryouts ended, Mike and Zoe dragged me all around the city for sightseeing (and for recon).
I was exhausted by the end of it and fell asleep as soon as I laid down on the bed.
I looked at the clock on the nightstand.
"7:40?! Oh no, I'm gonna be late!"
With my adrenaline waking me up, I swiftly changed clothes and brushed my teeth.
"Ben, go back to sleep... it's too early..." Mike sleepily mumbled.
The guys all had their hockey practice later in the day, so they opted to sleep in.
I quickly put on deodorant and ran out the door.
I grabbed a granola bar and ran to the ice rink where practice was being held.
"One pair...of ice skates...please..." I wheezed to the front desk clerk.
"7 please..."
She handed me the ice skates and I ran off after a quick thank you.
I finally arrived at the area where the contestants and the coach were standing.
"Sorry! I'm...I'm here!" I panted.
"And you must be Benjamin Ripley! Put down your skates on the bleachers and come join us! You're just in time!" He greeted.
I sighed in relief and put down my skates.
As I walked over, I could hear several of the girls snickering.
"Now that everyone's here, let's begin!"
We started off pretty easy.
Stretches, warm ups, basic PE class stuff.
"Put on your skates and get on the rink!" He said.
While I was putting on my ice skates, I heard many of the girls whispering.
After I looked around, I realized I was the only guy in the competition.
I was kind of hoping there would be at least one other guy here so I wouldn't feel alone...
Just my luck.
I'm sure any other dude my age would feel pure euphoria at the idea of being surrounded by girls.
But given my less than perfect history with crushing on girls, I was absolutely terrified.
All of the girls I liked were either unattainable or psychopaths. Or both.
I just hope Merlyn turns out normal...
He knows I exist, so that's a start.
I finished putting on my skates and went out to the rink.
"Alrighty! Is everyone here? We're gonna do some drills!"
Most of the girls groaned at the mention of drills.
"I know they may seem tedious and tiring, but I promise you that they help a lot!" The coach tried to make us feel better.
Needless to say it didn't work.
As long as it's not pushups, I think I'll be fine.
Nothing is worse than pushups!

Scratch that. The drills were much worse.
We did endless gliding squats, inside/outside edge balancing, and more for two hours straight.
I'm starting to regret my decision to come on this mission.
But, on the plus side, we learned some neat skating tricks.
Finally, at 11:00, the practice was over.
"Remember to come tomorrow!" The coach waved goodbye to all of us and we left.
I internally groaned at the thought of doing the same thing tomorrow.
"Hey you, freckles."
I turned around to see who was talking.
"Yeah, I'm taking to you. Come 'ere."
A girl called me over to a separate room.
She was tall, with bleached blonde hair tied in a bun. Her piercing amber eyes watched my every move.
Once the door was closed, she tightly gripped my shoulders and pinned me against the wall.
"I don't know what you're trying to pull, but don't even think about it." She growled.
"Wh- I'm not trying to pull anything!" I cried.
What does she think I'm gonna do? I'm about as dangerous as a penguin!
"I know what you're thinking! You're probably some pervert who joined to be surrounded by pretty girls! I bet you're gonna try to sneak into the girls locker room, aren't you?!" She demanded.
"What?! No! That's disgusting!" My nose scrunched up at the thought.
I like girls as much as the next guy, but that's going too far!
"Admit it! Or I'll drag it out of you!" She gripped my face and forced me to look up at her.
"Trís! What did I just say?"
Another voice come from the door.
Another girl had come in huffing.
"Just because he's a guy doesn't mean he's a perv!" She scolded.
"Why else would a boy join a competition full of girls?" Trís' voice seemed to soften when she talked to the other girl.
"He probably had no idea! Now put him down, you're scaring the poor guy!"
Trís sighed and grudgingly let go of me.
The other girl came over.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt? How many fingers am I holding up?" She asked.
"I'm fine... It's nothing I can't walk off..." I sighed.
The girl flashed Trís an annoyed look.
"I'm sorry about Trís! She can get a little...protective sometimes..." She said.
"I'm Olivia! It's nice to see someone new in this competition!" She held her hand out.
With some reservations, I shook it. I think she almost broke my hand from how strong her grip was!
"Anyways, again, sorry about Trís! I'll make sure this doesn't happen again! Have a safe walk home!" Olivia flashed a smile and left the room.
Before she left to follow Olivia, Trís gave me one last dirty look. "I'm watching you, freckles."
She slammed the door behind her.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
I may have held at gunpoint on several occasions, but I've never met a girl as scary as Trís!
I just hope I don't get on her bad side...

-Resentful skater girl (still need to learn her name...)

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