Ch.| 05

150 16 5

Waking up, the first thing I thought when I saw a demon-like-creature squacking outside the window, was that I was still probably dreaming. But when I opened my eyes again it was still there, making my stomach to do weird things.

"It's not a dream!!" I screamed in despair as well as in disbelief, pulling onto my hair.

{ *Blip-- "(M/N)-sama, it's time to go." }

I heard Heaven say after waking up from his charging position.

"R-Right.. I'm a servant starting now.." I mumbled, remembering yesterdays predicament. Right, I had to do this because of that annoying old demon that took my contractor from me.. Just remebering it made my blood boil from irritation. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

But that shouldn't be my main focus at the moment.. Because right now, I need to find a way to get Iruma back to Earth before he becomes corrupted here in the Demon Realm. I nodded to myself before jumping from surprise when someone suddenly knocked on my door.

"Y-Yes?" I asked.

"I am instructed by the Head Demon, to tell you that we need to drop him off as well as Iruma-sama to school today." Hearing this, I immediately recognize who this is. Though I wasn't paying attention to introductions yesterday, but I'm pretty sure this person talking was that red-head cat-like-demon.

"Oh, I'll be right out in just a minute." I replied, standing up and made my bed, washing my face with of course Heaven's prepared clean water and fixed my bed hair, which really wasn't that messy since I don't move around in my sleep too much.

After fixing my appearance, I finally went out the room, seeing the cat-like-demon standing outside with his posture in a perfect manner as his face still fixed in a pocker face expression.

"Your time to prepare is passable," He comments as soon as his gaze went to me.

Somehow this irked me a little bit. Just a Tiny bit.

Are you saying that I'm slow at preparing for exactly 1 minute?  I gave him my signature fake smile, trying not to burst my rage towards this annoying poker faced cat-like-demon.

"I hope that Senpai would guide me well from now on, so that I could do better next time!" I said with the best (fake)brightest and charming smile I could offer, reaching out my hand for a friendly handshake even though I really didn't want to, I still had to do this so that I can build up my escape plan with Iruma in the future..

He looked at my hand that was still out.

Are you not gonna shake it? Even lower demons know this basic etiquette. I thought, tilting my head slightly as he just continued to stare at my hand.

Then out of nowhere he turned forward and started to walk, ignoring my hand that was still out for the handshake that never came. His usual poker face still unwavering as his cat ears twitched slightly.


'Yes'..? That's it? Not even a proper reply? I was stunned as he just continued to walk away without even waiting for me.

My hand that was out slowly turned into a fist while it unconsciously shook from the boiling rage.

I could feel my smile broke a little at the side, feeling a vain pop on the side of my neck.

T-This bastard.. I wanna punch him so bad..

The urge was strong and I actually almost grabbed the candle light on the wall to throw at him, but stopped when I remembered my contractors healing smile. Right, I need to focus.. for Iruma.. I nodded to myself, starting to follow this Cat-like-demon with a (fake) behaved-like-smile.

Forced to Diguise myself As A Demon!Where stories live. Discover now