Ch.| 08

129 9 1

The four of us looked at the run down and eerily giant door. A crooked sign saying, 'Abnormal Class' was hang above it. Small cracks and blood stains could be seen all over its frame. The place was dark and was only illumanated by a very dim light that hang from above.

So.. This is the class for abnormal students of the [Demon] school...

I kicked the door and a crack formed on it.

It's so old.. and shabby.. I thought to myself.

I sighed and put on my gloves, knowing that the exterior was like this, the interior must be even worst and filthy.

"I don't know why they forced us to come here." Alice said, seeming disgusted as well.

"Yeah.. is it okay to..." Iruma slowly opened the door.

I was about to follow after him, when Clara suddenly pushed us inside and yelled out 'surprise attack!!'. Before we could even complain to the green gremlin, we saw multiple weapons flying our way.


When I was about to grab and help my human avoid the sharp tools flying our way, I noticed that he was already dodging everything. So I acted on instict to protect myself, quickly grabbing a sword that was stuck on the wall, deflecting the weight and forces of the other sharp weapons flying my way, safely making them fall down to the side of the floor.

I put the sword down in front of me and was going to glare at the demons that dared mess with me and my human, when a thud was heard.


I turned my head and dropped my sword when I saw Iruma on the ground.

I quickly went in front of him to see if he got hurt anywhere.

"Iruma-kun! Are you alright? Did you get hurt? Can you stand? Does anything not seem right for you?" I asked multiple questions, worried that I already failed to protect him as his guardian angel. Holding onto his hand I could feel him shaking. I hurriedly told Heaven to give him an invisible check up scan while I turned his face side to side to see if he got any cuts.

"I-I'm fine.!" He reasured, feeling flustered.

{{ I have confirmed that he is alright, it was just the shock from earlier's event that made him a little shaky, (M/N)-sama }} Heaven reported telepathically.

I sighed in relief after knowing that he was fine.

Suddenly claps and cheers erupted from the classroom.


"Well done, dude!"


"That's the Honor Student for you!"

"Do it again!"

"Hardships makes a man!"

"Iruma-chi is so brilliant!"

"Hey! Anyone who lost the bet, please give your money. Line yourselves up! Come here~!"

I felt my eyes twitch after hearing them say this after nearly killing my human on his first day! I clentched my hands into fists, I was in rage at these sadistic and lunatic demons that even dared to try and kill my human on my watch.

"Who dares makes my young master have this kind of treatment?" I asked as I felt the menacing aura forming around my whole being. I feel like I could kill anyone of them at the moment.

"What the heck are you doing!?" Alice yelled at the bunch of psychotic demons.

"Playing prank on students who step inside the class." One of them answered laughing at what he just said. He was sitting on his tail which made him look like he's levitating, his horns looked like that of a scorpion's fang that went well with his blonde with streaks of black on the middle of his hair.

Forced to Diguise myself As A Demon!Where stories live. Discover now