Ch.| 09

120 9 1

Finally after a few minutes, I regained my control of flying when everyone slowed down to their own phase. Without giving it another thought, I flew back to where my human was. As I was flying back to the start, I felt my connected link to Iruma shake from the fear he felt.

I gritted my teeth, trying to fasten my speed.

"Heaven, Locate 'Suzuki Iruma' for me, please!" I said as I flapped my wings even faster, feeling anxious because of how fast Iruma's heart was beating from our link.

{ "Right now, Suzuki Iruma's location is moving by 20 meter per minute." }

"How is that possible? Is he running?" I asked confused, seeing the start at the distance.

{ "No. He seems to be 100 feet off the ground, (M/N)-sama." }

"What?!" Just as I reached the 'Start', Iruma was no where to be found, suddenly I felt his heart rate increase once more.

Don't tell me!?

I landed on the Starting ground and faced the map that Kalego showed us before we started.

"Tell me where he is on this map."

Heaven's earing form slightly moved, like she was turning his head to look at the map. After a few seconds, a hologram of a red circle illuminated from Heaven's form and it moved on the map, before stopping at a specific location.

{ "He had stopped moving. He is around this area." }

"Good, then guide me there, I feel uneasy without him in my line of sight." I said and started to stretch out my wings again.






| Third Person's POV

As soon as the students flew off the gush of wind made Iruma unconsiously go forward by the force that was made. But of couse with his reflex, he managed to stay just right at the edge of the cliff.

"Ah... I'm-I'm okay..." The boy let out a sigh of relief, holding onto his chest, feeling his heart beating a thousand miles a minute.

"Hey, get going already."

A sudden push made his balance completely off, making the poor human to fall down the dept of the valley.


The demon that pushed the poor boy down was none other than their Homeroom Teacher, Naberius Kalego. The said teacher went and tapped a demon device to turn on the surveillance cameras, watching through the Devi-TV.

[[ "Fuaaaaa..." ]]

A sleepy demon was the first thing that showed from the Camera. Slowly the camera's perspective increased, revealing how everyone on the course was doing.

"Too lazyyy..." Said the same sleepy male.

"Crap! I forgot to save before the boss fight..." A demon-student that was close to the sleepy one said, holding onto a gameboy controller as he flew backwards without a care.

"Hoot! Are you going to be okay? A lady like you, carrying an extra person..."

"My, my~ Aren't you just lazy?" Another camera focused on three students this time two girls and a male demon-owl was shown conversing as they fly.

"Absolutely not! I'm not lacking in any way. If anything, I have a natural grace about me. I am simply concerned that you're digging your own grave." The owl-demon explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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