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Looking at your own face can get pretty tiring, that was something I'm sure of.

"Goodness, they really couldn't have gotten a better angle?" I throw the scandal sheet on to the table.

I look at Tooru, just to see that he was ogling himself again through the front camera of his phone. He was definitely an exception to my first statement.

"Relax, you look okay." Iwaizumi Hajime, one of my closest friends, who also happens to come as a package deal with Tooru (unfortunately), asks.

"What's got you so worked up anyways? It's not like it's the first time you've been caught in a dating scandal." Tooru finally speaks, though what he just said just made me want to shut him up again.

The door bursts open, revealing an amused Tetsuro and a grinning Rei walking towards us.

"Holy sh*t, I thought you hated this guy?" Rei points to her iPad and I just assume she's talking about that stupid article.

Tetsuro raises his eyebrow at me and opens his mouth to speak, "Hate him? I mean... he's not THAT bad..."

He pauses and thinks for a second, "Well, I can see some reasons on why you could hate him but I'm just saying.. Tsukishima Kei? He's not so bad, you just don't know him like I do." he shrugs and continues scrolling through his stupid cracked phone he won't seem to replace.

"Don't know him like I do" Right, I know him better than you do. Which is exactly why I don't like him.

"'Don't know him like I do' Gross.. you sound like a highschool girl trying to defend her asshole boyfriend.." Rei quotes and teases him.

"How'd you end up in this situation anyways?" Oikawa asks, finally finished with his daily fifteen minute selfie time.

"Gosh, has the company released a statement yet?" Alisa asks through her brother's phone. Lev just got back from a photoshoot so he's out cold on the lounge room's sofa.

I sigh, thinking about the consequences of that giant's actions. He ignored me all throughout high school, why can't he do it again now that we're adults?

"No, why would they clear up a scandal involving the company scapegoat when they can use it to cover up an even bigger issue?" I responded sarcastically, seriously, when it's another person caught in a scandal a statement is up within two hours, meanwhile, mine takes at least two days.

"Good point, that really famous soloist from Crescent Entertainment has a scandal with one of our actresses, right?" Tetsuro adds some more negativity into the conversation.

"Guys." Haji looks over Oikawa's phone.

"Holy shit, Yori.. You are not gonna like this." since when have I ever liked something this company has done anyways.

"What?" I asked through a sigh, my feet feeling heavier than usual as I walk towards Oikawa.

My eyes widen as I saw the tweet from Tsukishima's Company attached to the article, unable to believe what I had just read.

Crescent Ent. and Wonderland Ent. confirms dating rumors between Tsukishima Kei and Hinode Yori

Try Again (SPOTLIGHT SERIES #1) (Tsukishima Kei X OC) (Haikyuu) (Celebrity AU) Where stories live. Discover now