Chapter 2

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Karasuno High School, Miyagi, 2012

"Hinode, can you please fetch Tsukishima Kei? I have something to discuss with him. He's at volleyball practice right now, he's the blonde one with glasses." I hear one of my teachers ask a favor. Gosh, I have after school activities too, you know?

"Ah, yes." I reply with a small smile and walked out of the classroom. The gym is like a whole jog from this part of the building.

I pass by some familiar faces, giving them a small smile. I don't have a lot of friends. Well... I don't have any friends here at Karasuno. I don't understand why I'm here anyways, Shiratorizawa has a better swim team and sports facilities, I would've settled for Aoba Johsai too... my middle school friend (I think? I'm not sure he considers anyone a friend) Kunimi goes there.

I finally stop in front of the gym doors, peeking from the side while looking for the boy my teacher described.

"Yori?" Kageyama recognizes me and stops mid-set. Fuck, now everyone is looking at me. I only planned on relaying the message to their manager.

"Oh.. uh... I'm here for Tsukishima Kei." I stutter out.

"Isn't she the one who made your cousin cry at a swim meet?"

Okay, first of all, I did not make that kid cry. What was I supposed to do? Stop swimming?

The short boy with bright orange hair came dashing towards me but was put to a halt when someone, who I can only assume is Tsukishima Kei since he matched the description, grabbed him by the back of his shirt.

"Tsukishima, Is she your girlf-"

"I'm not accepting confessions right now."


WOW. What an asshole. Honestly, my eyes rolled so far back my head from that statement I almost saw my temporal lobe. I just couldn't help but scoff at his stupidity.

"Good thing I'm not confessing then, Mr. Watanabe wants to see you at his office." I looked him straight in the eye and I heard one of his seniors snicker.

"Ah, Yori. I'll drop by your practice later, I need to talk to you about something." Kageyama walks towards me while talking and stretching his hands.

"Oh, okay. I'll be there till 7." I reply to him casually, acting like I don't feel the jerk beside him burning holes into my head.

I turn around and begin walking away, starting my arm stretches so I can get ready for practice.

"Fucking hell, stop staring at me." I groan out a complaint as I stretch my arms above my head.

"Why did he want to see me?" he quietly asks, humiliation still present in his voice.

I stop walking and turned to look at him, not realizing how close we are in proximity as his eyes looked down on me through his glasses.

"How the fuck would I know?" I ask him sarcastically, trying not to lose my composure from his stare.

"Tch, dirty mouth for a star athlete." he walked past me and headed for the teachers' faculty. What does me cursing have to do with me being a swimmer? Does being as tall as a beanstalk make you as cranky as the giant waiting above it?

Wonderland Ent. Celebrity Lounge, Wednesday, June 8

"How's your boyfriend?" Hajime sits down beside me as he jokingly asks.

"Why are you even here?" I groan and throw my head back in annoyance.

"Ooh, avoiding the question now, Hinode?" Rei appears out of nowhere and lays on the couch. I know her and Tetsuro technically aren't related but, gosh, does being annoying run in the family?

Try Again (SPOTLIGHT SERIES #1) (Tsukishima Kei X OC) (Haikyuu) (Celebrity AU) Where stories live. Discover now