Chapter 5

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Wonderland Ent. Lounge Area

It's been a week ever since my last day off, so far I've been in 3 fake dates with Tsukishima. It's also been a week of us casually (awkwardly) exchanging texts.

"Woah, what's wrong, Oikawa?" Kuroo looks over at Oikawa who was staring into space looking like he had the whole world on his shoulders.

"Yeah, you look uglier than usual. What's up?" Rei snapped a picture of him as he groaned.

"Trouble in paradise, most likely." I butt into the conversation, looking around for Iwaizumi.

Oikawa rolls his eyes at me and turns his head to my direction, "You're one to talk, Miss Fake Dating My 'Enemy'." he snaps back, air quotations on the word enemy.

"He's not my enemy, Mr. I can't hold a relationship even if my life depended on it." I shot back, smirking at him.

"Why are you even here, don't you have a drama to film?" Oikawa asks in annoyance, weird since these teasing sessions are usually started by him.

"They have a day off." Rei explained, sitting next to her brother.

"That's even weirder. Who spends their day off at the agency they work at?" Kuroo questions me.

Gosh, some people are lonely and don't have friends outside of work, y'know?

I open my phone, my finger hovering over the instagram app when a notification popped up on top of my screen.

(1) Message from Tsukishima🍟🦖

I'm outside your company building, let's go somewhere today. I'm bored and Yamaguchi is busy at work.

Was the long explanation on why he was only asking me out because his best friend is busy really necessary?

"I gotta go." I say in a hurry, putting lipstick on as I packed some of my stuff and grabbed my jacket.

I hear Kuroo chuckle at me teasingly as Rei looks over at his phone.

"I hope you get chased by reporters!" Oikawa shouts as I walk out the lounge.

"I love you too!" I say in response.


"How'd you know I was in the building?" I ask Tsukishima as he drives, his right hand reaching for the stereo to play music.

A moment of silence passes by as he clicks on one of his playlists. He still listens to the same songs, a few new ones has been added but the first track remained the same over the years.

He unlocks his phone and hands it to me, "Kuroo sent me a selfie with you in the background. Surprised you looked good in it, actually.", he explains to me, giving me another reason to want to amputate one of Kuroo's fingers. At least I looked good in the ones he sent.

Wait, did Tsukishima Kei just admit I looked good? I mutter an 'oh' quietly as I look into the distance, wondering where we're headed. "Where are we going?" I turn to him and ask, watching his long fingers fix his falling glasses.

"Let's have lunch somewhere and then watch a movie, sound good?" Tsukishima asks me, well, more like makes the decision for me but oh well.

I just nod in agreement, and I see him drive slower near a restaurant only to see it was jam packed. "Fuck.", he curses under his breath and starts to drive somewhere else.

Try Again (SPOTLIGHT SERIES #1) (Tsukishima Kei X OC) (Haikyuu) (Celebrity AU) Where stories live. Discover now