Chapter 1

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Yori from two months ago would've been really happy to finally land a main role.

Yori from two weeks ago would NOT have signed that contract if she knew who her co-star was.

Yori from two days ago wouldn't have believed it if you told her what was gonna happen to her in two days time.

Yori now would rather jump off a building than agree to what the company is asking her to do.

I would rather jump off a building than do what they're asking me to do.

This whole situation feels like a fever dream. Being asked to fake date is one thing, being asked to fake date Tsukishima Kei is entirely different.

"Understood?" our managers spoke at the same time, turning to both of us.

Yeah, I understood your orders alright. What I don't understand is why us of all people?

"Yeah, sure." the asshole beside me responded and turned on his phone.

"Remember, make this look believable. This is for the sake of both our companies." Tsukishima's manager added.

What about my sake then? How would I know this bastard won't poison me during one of our fake dates?

"Kei, try not to look so cranky all the time when you're with Yori. Make this look believable." well damn, that's a hard one for him. I thought he was just programed to look like King Harold from Shrek all the time.

"Yori, try not to have such a blank expression all the time. Understood?" rude, it's not like I chose to have a face like this (Not that I'm complaining though, I'm well aware of how attractive I am.)

"You did it back in highschool, you can do it again." yeah maybe because I actually liked him in highschool.

"Yeah, whatever." I responded and dozed off.

Sunday, June 5, 3 pm

"You know, you're gonna have to talk to me if you want this to work." he says as we walk towards the shopping center, pretending not to notice the reporters around us.

"Alright then, what do you wanna talk about? Stocks, dinosaurs, my life as the company scapegoat?" I ask as I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers.

This feels like highschool all over again... you know, except I don't have feelings for him this time. It's not like we ever dated or he ever liked me back, so this is probably three times harder for him than it is for me.

It takes a couple of seconds for him to respond, his eyes staring straight into the distance.

"Let's..." he looks around and pauses mid sentence. "Let's go here." he says as he drags me to a nearby stall.

He lets go of my hand to reach for his pocket and I watched him take a few bills from his wallet.

There were a few differences to his appearance since I last saw him up close... well... that was in highschool so it definitely wasn't a surprise to see some things have changed. His jawline, which I thought couldn't get any sharper seemed to be more prominent now that we're both older, his hair that used to be as short as his patience now slightly went past his eyebrows, his glasses weren't the same anymore, it was silver now with thinner frames and lenses.

"What flavor do you want?" he asks me suddenly and I snap out of the little observational study I had inside my head. What the fuck was I doing.

I noticed that my hand was up to his face for whatever reason, did I subconsciously almost slap him? Probably, that seemed like the most logical explanation.

Try Again (SPOTLIGHT SERIES #1) (Tsukishima Kei X OC) (Haikyuu) (Celebrity AU) Where stories live. Discover now