Not On Our Watch

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"Hyungs, there's this creepy teacher of mine... He always stares at me in class and I don't like it" Jungkook says as he looked around, chewing on his food.

"Did you report it on the principal?" Yoongi asks and Jungkook shakes his head.
"I don't wanna assume too fast, maybe he just like hates me or... You know" Jungkook says, unsure as he shrugged.

"Okay, tomorrow... We'll go to your school, if that teacher continues, we're reporting" Jin says and Jungkook nodded.

Jungkook is startled as his teacher stood behind him as soon as he turned around after closing his locker.
"Y-yes, Mr Shin?" Jungkook asks and his teacher smirked.

About to take a step closer, the teacher is stopped as he's grabbed from behind. He turns around and is startled as a punch on his face is landed.

Everyone gasps as they saw this. Jungkook looked at Yoongi with wide eyes, his other hyungs are there too, standing but not bothered with their second oldest's actions.

The teacher ended up being fired and will never come back as he's banned from the school, and every other school he'll try to apply to.

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Jungkook Sickfics [& Hurtfics] (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now