Explosion At The Dorm

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Jungkook was about to close his eyes when he heard a loud bang

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Jungkook was about to close his eyes when he heard a loud bang. He shrugs it off, thinking it was just outside and that his hyungs, preferably Namjoon, dropped something.

He grabbed his phone and decided to text their groupchat. But as soon as he opened it, he's bombarded with messages of his hyungs asking where he is.

He frowns and told them that he's just in his room and why they're panicking. Waiting for a response, he raises his brow as he smelled something funny.

"What the fuck is that smell?" He says and it caused him to cough.
"Fuck" He says, sitting up and looked back at his phone. His eyes widened as he reads it. Something blew up in the dorm and they're telling him to come out.

"Fuck, shit" He says and walked to the door, trying to open, he winces as he felt how hot the knob is.
"Oh, no" He says and messaged the group chat in a panic. He looked around and saw the window.

He ran to it and looked out, seeing nothing but the ground. He looked around and is startled as another loud bang is heard. He fits himself through the window, groaning as it was a bit hard.

He managed to come out and looked around for something to hold on. Grabbing onto his window, he stepped on something before jumping. He looks around and is met with his hyungs, who immediately ran to him.

"Oh, thank goodness... " Jin says. Jungkook looked at them with a raised brow.
"What exploded?" Jungkook asks, frowning.
"The microwave" Hoseok says and Jungkook looked at them. Firemen started putting out the fire while they get aided by medics.

"I told you all that shit will explode! We shouldn't have bought one"

"Yeah, yeah"

"Yeah, yeah"

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Jungkook Sickfics [& Hurtfics] (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now