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"Film it, Chim" Taehyung says, laughing as he tapped on Jimin's shoulder. The other nodded and pulled his phone out.
They all walked inside where Jungkook is staying. They saw the maknae, an ice pack on his cheek while looking like he's sleepy, which he probably is.
"Hi, Koo" Jin says and Jungkook looks up, frowning. "Jin hyung...? Why are there seven of you?" Jungkook says, gasping but groaning as he accidentally hit his cheek.
"I can't feel my lips, hyungs" Jungkook says as he touched his lips. "Can we have McDonald's?" Jungkook asks and Hoseok chuckles.
"Unfortunately not, Kookie" Hoseok says and Jungkook pouts. "That's unfair" Jungkook says and stomped his foot like a little kid.
"Let's go" Namjoon says and helped the younger up. "Woah, I'm flying" Jungkook says as he gets lifted up. They all laughed, watching him look so shocked.
"Hyungs! Why did you film me?!" Jungkook says and the other two laughed, hiding from the maknae.
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