[Hopekook] Saviour

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Hoseok had always been looking after his brother ever since their parents died, he had been there with the younger and acted as his parents. Hoseok knew his brother have some problems he's facing and he's always made sure to help him.

Jungkook had been diagnosed with depression and Hoseok's worried that one day, if he's out, the younger would do something and he can't save him in time. That's what he fears the most.

Hoseok knocks on the bathroom door for 10th time and it's worrying how long Jungkook is in there now. He heard his brother cry before it died down. Hoseok couldn't take it anymore and ran to get the bathroom key.

He reached back and immediately uses it to open the door. As soon as he opens it, he let out a scream as he sees his brother, on the bathtub, unresponsive. He immediately pulled Jungkook out of the water, not caring if he gets wet and immediately did CPR on him.

The younger let out coughs as Hoseok continued to do CPR. Hoseok looks at Jungkook as he cried, hugging him immediately as soon as he opens his eyes.
"Kookie" He says, sobbing as he held his brother tightly.
"Why? Why would you do that?" Hoseok says, scolding his brother.

Hoseok dries Jungkook's hair and stared at him.
"Will you listen to hyung? Will you get help and not leave hyung?" Hoseok says and Jungkook nodded. He realized the pain he'll leave to Hoseok if he did it, so he agreed to getting help.

"I love you, Kookie... Remember that..."

"I love you too, hyung... I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay, you're here... I won't leave you"

 I won't leave you"

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Jungkook Sickfics [& Hurtfics] (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now