Ferris Wheel

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"Hyung, please! Let me ride that!" Jungkook says as he pointed at the rollercoaster

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"Hyung, please! Let me ride that!" Jungkook says as he pointed at the rollercoaster. Jin sighs, shaking his head.
"No, Jungkook, I'm not letting you ride that... That looks dangerous, you know? It's so high" Jin says, shivering at the fact of his brother getting stuck in the highest part.

"You're mean" Jungkook says, huffing. Jimin chuckles, ruffling the maknae's hair.
"Hey, we can go on other rides" Taehyung says and Jimin nodded.

"And what rides are that?" Jungkook says, pouting.
"The bumpy cars, the Ferris wheel and many more, except for the rollercoaster of course" Hoseok says and they nodded.

"I'll go alone on the Ferris wheel then" Jungkook says, huffing.
"Okay, but you should go back with us as soon as it finishes, don't wanna have one of you guys missing" Namjoon says and Jungkook gave a thumbs up as he ran to the line.

Jungkook got on the ride, pulling his phone out. He starts filming his way up. He smiles and shows the view as he slowly got up to the top. He's startled as the ride stopped, making it sway a little.

"What the fuck is happening?" He says to himself, looking around. He sees people on the ground, who's starting to crowd the entrance of the Ferris wheel. He could see his brothers and they are all looking up.

"Hyung! That's Jungkook on the very top!" Taehyung says as he pointed at where Jungkook is.
"Oh, my fucking goodness!" Jin screams. The place is filled with screams as the families of the people inside the ride tell the operator to do something about this.

Yoongi calls Jungkook and luckily, the youngest answers.
"Are you okay up there?" Yoongi asks, voice laced with concern.

"Yeah? What's happening?"

"The machine malfunctioned and you are all stuck there... They're trying to fix it" Yoongi says, gulping as he looked back up.
"Don't panic, Kookie! They'll get you down here soon" Jin says as he took the phone from Yoongi.

"I'm not panicking though"

It took them almost an hour for the ride to start working again. The six are all relieved as soon as they saw their youngest brother out of the ride. They all hugged him.
"Hyungs, don't be so dramatic, I'm okay" Jungkook says, giggling.

"How can we not? You were at the very top! Who knows what you could've done if the doors weren't locked" Jin says and Jungkook just laughs.

"Okay, okay, I'm here now"

"Okay, okay, I'm here now"

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Jungkook Sickfics [& Hurtfics] (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now