Almost Taken

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The maknae line walked down the street to get to the convenience store

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The maknae line walked down the street to get to the convenience store. They were all hungry and since their hyungs are currently busy, they decided to just hangout with each other.

As they're about to reach the convenience store, a van stopped and startled them as it opened it door. The three gasps before starting to run back. Jungkook is in the back, he was fast but his foot started cramping, which caused him to slow down a bit.

The two looks back and sees Jungkook's being held. They looked around, seeing rocks before grabbing it and throwing at the guys.
"Let go of him!" Jimin screamed as he ran to them, kicking one guy down. Taehyung continued throwing rocks.

Jungkook took this as a chance and bit the other guy's hand that was holding him. Jimin grabbed Jungkook and they ran fast.

The four looks up as they're startled by the sudden slam of the door.
"What the fuck? At least open the door properly" Jin says, huffing. The three breathes heavily, Jungkook sat on the floor, Taehyung laid down while Jimin held onto his knees.

"What happened to you guys?" Hoseok asks, frowning.
"We were almost kidnapped happened" Taehyung says, huffing.
"What?! Did you report to the police?" Jin says, looking at them. They shook their heads, sighing.

"We were being chased, we didn't have time" Jimin says and looked at Jungkook.
"Jungkook was almost taken" Jimin says and Jungkook huffs.

They all reported it to the policenow they needed to have a guard with them whenever they want to go out.

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Jungkook Sickfics [& Hurtfics] (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now