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All Jungkook remembered as soon as he woke up was the screams of his hyungs as they're headed to the cliff

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All Jungkook remembered as soon as he woke up was the screams of his hyungs as they're headed to the cliff. Jin trying his best to stop the car and him helping. He looked around and saw that all of his hyungs are unconscious and he's the only one awake.

"H-hyung... " He weakly says, touching Jin's shoulder. The older didn't wake and stayed unconscious. He could see the rocks and the broken windshield.

With weak hands, he took Jin's phone from his pocket and dialled an ambulance.
"Hello" He says, voice shaky.

"Hello, what's your emergency?"

"Me and my members got into an a-accident... And.. We need help" Jungkook says, he was feeling lightheaded.

"Can I know your location?"

"I... I don't know... Wait..." Jungkook says, looking around and explained everything he could see. The dispatcher immediately told him that help would be on the way and that he should stay still so the car won't fall off completely.

Ambulance arrived after 5 minutes, Jungkook did as he was told. He stayed still. He could see paramedics come out of the ambulance. One by one, his hyungs are taken out.

Jungkook could see how Yoongi was taken away as his vision starts to get blurry.
He could see how Jin was slowly waking up before darkness took over him.

"What happened?" Jin asks as he's taken out of the car, being checked by a paramedic.
"You and your friends got into a car accident, sir" The paramedic explains and Jin looked around, seeing his members being aided.

"How are they?" Jin asks, touching the back of his head.
"They're all doing okay... Luckily, one of your members managed to call before he fell unconscious" The paramedic says and Jin frowns.
"W-who?" He asks, frowning.

"Him" The paramedic says, pointing at the stretcher that is being pushed inside the ambulance, he could see that it was Jungkook.
"He was awake?" Jin asks and the paramedic nodded.

In the hospital, the six walked inside Jungkook's room and thanked him so much for saving them.

"Just for you all, I'm happy you guys are safe"

"Just for you all, I'm happy you guys are safe"

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Jungkook Sickfics [& Hurtfics] (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now