[Jinkook] Ghost

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Jin laid in his bed as he cried on his pillow

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Jin laid in his bed as he cried on his pillow. He screamed, cried and did everything but he knew this won't bring his brother back. Jungkook. His brother, had died a few weeks ago.

He sniffles, looking to his side to see a smiling Jungkook. He smiled a little as he sees his brother.
"Hi, Kookie..." He says, tearing up as his bottom lip wobbled, he knew he's not really there but even so, he can't help it.

"Hyung's very sad right now, you're not here to comfort him" He says, gulping. Jungkook just smiled and didn't say anything.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be there when you were looking for me... Hyung's sorry, Kookie... I should've been there..." Jin says, reaching for his brother but as he did, he disappeared. Jin just sighed and hugged Jungkook's favorite stuffed toy, which he had in his room.

"I'm sorry, Kookie... I love you and I miss you so much..."


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Jungkook Sickfics [& Hurtfics] (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now