chapter 105

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Alex didn't like to be alone anymore. Not since Pietro had gone. Every moment of silence reminded her that he was no longer with her. And with that, Jasper. She didn't know where he had gone with Alice but somehow she trusted him.

Harvey tried his best to keep her cheery and they even went on a wolf run a few times. Make sure that the shifting part didn't hurt as much due to their bones being used to it. They didn't know if they would need it, but both of them knew what the Volturi could do. Alex having a front seat and having a hand in it, didn't make it easier. Probably only worse.

Everyday consisted of most vampires trying to train their abilities. It appeared that Bella was a shield and everyone seemed adamant on her expanding her powers. Learning to control them.

"How are you?" Alex turns to her side to see Eleazar standing there. She knew that he was one of the few that knew of her past. The newer ones didn't even meet Pietro and it hurt her to think that they would probably be ending the Volturi but it was to late for him.

"I'm good." She replies politely and turns to him. "You?"

"I know that this may be hard," he sighs and places a gentle hand on her left shoulder. "I know you miss him but he would have wanted you to be here." Alex smiles wryly and nods.

"If only he could be here too, right?" Eleazar chuckles dryly and nods. "We can't all have what we want." Alex says with a shrug before leaving to grab a bottle of some sort of alcohol. With Jasper gone, it was much easier to drink more. She didn't feel really guilty about it. Maybe because he was supposed to be there and help her. Them.

Alex walks outside and stand beside Emmett and Rosalie as she looks at the scene before her where everyone looks at Bella trying her shield.

"There is strength in numbers." Carlisle nods in agreement with his adopted son.

"There is also death in numbers," Alex retorts. "It's called a massacre." Emmett puts his hand on Alex' arm and pulls her back.

"Remember what we talked about?" Alex couldn't really concentrate because all she saw before her was the memory of Emmett and she talking about Pietro and then memories of Pietro came flooding before her eyes. Edward slowly looks towards her and her eyes start to water again.

"Something about being less murdery." She mutters back as she leans her head towards him and walking away from the scene before her.

She decided to walk towards the Spure household. Christmas was soon and she wanted to decorate the place as if Pietro was still there. To remember him. But the first step out of the woods made her tumble to her knees.

The Christmas lights were already hung and everywhere is hanging mistletoe. The music boxes are softly playing their favorite music and their picnic blanket was out. She could even see a large tree through the doors and she smelled their favorite Christmas dish. Even if they usually went out for dinner, you can't eat out every day. They would make the best and simplest lasagna in the world.

"I hope you don't mind," she turns to the voice and sees Edward standing beside her. "I know this is hard." He squats down and smiles at hard. "First Christmas without him." He lets himself fall to the ground. "So Harvey and I came up with this idea." He looks around and chuckles. "Though he seriously went all out." Tears start to whell up in Alex' eyes and she didn't know what to say until she saw Harvey coming out of the house in full Santa Claus gear. It was Pietro's suit and it did not fit him. Both of them were muscly but Pietro was several inches taller. Even Edward couldn't hold in a chuckle. Alex stands up and wipes away her tears.

"You're looking so stupid." Alex chuckles and Harvey shrugs with a large smile as he places down the lasagna on the picnic blanket, next to a few bottles of booze.

"We finally have something in common then."

Alex let's out a barklike laughter and she turns to Edward.

"Thank you." She mutters and wraps her arms around him to hug him. He does the same and mutters something in her ear, making Harvey narrow his eyes. It was too low for him to understand. "Have fun at Charlie's. Say hi for me?" Edward nods and waves at the two before leaving the premises.

"I got presents." Harvey says and Alex can't help but smile at the delight in his eyes.

"I'm sorry.." she says as she sits down. "I didn't really think about it." He shrugs and waves his hand.

"All is forgiven." He hands her a small squared package and all she could think about that maybe it was a book or a picture. She starts to shake it and he sighs. "Just open it."

In it is a cardboard box, making the square and she sighs and gives him a look. He often did that. Sometimes there'd be a huge present with only a chicken egg in it.

This time was different, even if she didn't know it. He had put thought in the present and made sure that she would love it.

There was a silver necklace with a beautiful small stone in the form of a star as a pendant. It was small but beautiful. The stone was almost the exact color of Pietro's eyes and Alex feels her eyes water.

"Thank you." Harvey smiles at her and she leans over to hug the man. He gently squeezes her and she feels her heart ache. She wished Jasper was here with them. Or Pietro. Preferably both. "Now it's my turn." He says with a bright smile and Alex raises an eyebrow. "You think I forgot myself?" He opens one of the presents greedily and laughs happily as the present turns out to be some sort of gaming device. "Oh, thank you!" He says to Alex. "I always wanted this."

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