chapter 015

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Jasper and Alex had come home after she had slept there to get the alcohol out of her system, but also to get the power to change so they could get back. Jasper had offered to run but she knew that vampires only could get so far and wolves had a better stamina.

"He's not picking up!" Edward groans as he wants to throw is phone away.

"He's probably preoccupied." Carlisle says as he tries to calm his son down.

"Preoccupied." Emmet snorts as he wiggles his eyebrows at Rosalie who chuckles softly, knowing how her brother felt about Alex even if he didn't realise it yet.

"This is not funny!" Edward retorts as Alice tries to focus on Jasper. "See anything?" She shakes her head.

"Not as long as he is with her."

After that particular night, they hadn't talked yet even though they were back for over a week and Alex wondered if she had done something wrong but quickly shrugged of the thought. After all, she had only saved him from himself.

"The Volturi wanted him for a long time." Edward sighs as he sits down.

"I remember them faintly," Carlisle mutters. "But I don't think they work for them anymore." Rosalie raises her head at him with a questioning look. "They were only there because they had to." He tries to remember what had been said about them precisely. "I can't be to sure as no one ever spoke of them and I have only seen him twice."

"Why don't we go to the source?" Rosalie suggests, meaning Peter.

No vampires sat at their table and though the Spure siblings found it odd, they were also quite content with it as they didn't want to babysit or want anymore questions. Alex had explained everything to Peter and he completely understood. He knew how hard it can be for vampires that were not well adjusted to the 'vegetarian' lifestyle.

"Where is Jasper?" Edward seethes as he walks upon the property of Spure's. Carlisle, Rosalie and him had gone to speak with Peter. Esme and Emmett stayed home with Alice who was trying to see if she could get a vision.

Peter looks up from where he is spread out on the blanket and sees the Cullens. Carefully he puts down his book and narrows his eyes at them. "Whatever do you mean?" He gets up and walks towards the house, the Cullens following him.

"Please Peter," Carlisle starts. "Jasper is our family." He sees Peter's back stiffen but he goes on, making himself an alcoholic beverage. They had noticed the Spures to almost always have alcohol in their hands.

"And so is Alex to me." He turns around and takes a sip. "I trust her completely."

"We don't know where he-.." Rosalie looks at Peter. "They are."

"I do." He replies. "But it's her safe place and its their choice to tell you." Edward rolls his eyes.

"I remember you." Peter's eyes lock with Carlisle's.

"About time."

The Spure siblings hold their drinks in their hands as they sit outside. "We talked a lot." Alex says with a shrug. Peter looks at her sideways.

"About what?"

"About everything really. I noticed how hard he is on himself," she lays her head down on his shoulder. "It's sad really. He's nice." Peter sighs softly before putting his arm around her.

"I know."

"I only saw you a few times." Carlisle explains as everyone sits down. Normally, Peter would offer drinks but he didn't know how this conversation was going to go so his anxiousness takes a hold of him. "That's why I don't really remember you or your sister."

Peter sits down. "I don't think you've ever seen my sister." He narrows his eyes as he thinks back to their time at Volterra. "She was mostly with the guard. I was mostly in the searching business." They both chuckle before Peter looks up seriously. "Alex and I have been with the Volturi, yes," he motions for Rosalie to be quiet. "But we stepped away. Like you did." He motions to Carlisle. "You were somewhat of a role model. After you, we knew that we could go."

"Was it easy?" Peter shakes his head.

"We had to make a deal. But it's not really that much of a deal anymore." Peter smiles at them before walking to the door and motioning for the Cullens to walk out.

"What kind of a deal?" Carlisle's eyes narrow.

Peter shrugs. "A deal that is already done." And Edward sees the true relief on his face.

Peter looks at his sister as they drive home. "They came to our house." Alex' head immediately turns.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Her jaw almost dropping at this information. He shrugs.

"Well, we talked about almost everything else the past week?" She rolls her eyes with a chuckle.

"How'd it go?" Her eyes on the road as she starts to speed.

"Carlisle remembered us." Her eyes narrowing. "I know, took him a while, so I told him that."

"Did you explain?"

"Only a little. They don't need the whole drama. I mean, we don't and we're in the middle of it." They both chuckle and Alex pulls into their driveway.

"Oh and Sam needs help."

Alex walks into the room, dressed to go to sleep. "I don't know if you're going to watch something," she motions to the TV. "But I really need to sleep if I'm going to run us both home." She grabs a glass of whisky and puts in some stones to cool it down.

"Are you sure you should drink that?" Jasper frowns at the girl as he tries to grab it from her clutches. She already had a lot to drink and had already made no sense the last sentences. She looks at him and notices the proximity between them. Normally she would've done something about it, but Jasper was a hurt man. He didn't need it.

"Can't sleep otherwise." She smiles at him before grabbing it back and taking a sip. She sits back down before the fire and he slouched down in a chair in front of her. "You think that you're a monster." She states.

"Thanks." He chuckles before he notices the worry on her face. He shakes his head. "I am." He mutters and she shakes her head.

"There's a reason why I can't sleep." She says before taking another sip. "I have night terrors sometimes you know." He frowns at her. He had thought that the serious talks were over after he had told her about Maria.

"They're that bad?" He leans in closer, as he had done before that night.

She looks at him with sad eyes. "They're that bad." She smiles sadly as she looks at the drink in her hand. "There are things about my past that I'd like to forget." She stands up and looks at him one last time. "I know monsters," she points at him. "And you, my beautiful boy, are no monster."

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