chapter 002

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"I have seen her face somewhere!" Edward replies to his dark haired sister as she asks him to stop trashing the library.

"Edward," she sighs. "We've been over this. You can not have seen her before."

"Oh, but we have." a voice from behind them says. Alice turns around in the door opening towards the hallway and sees her adoptive brother. Edwards holds the book filled with expensive paintings in his hands as he walks to stand next to his sister.

Jasper holds up a painting that recently hung in Carlisle's office. It was a self portrait of a woman that looked a lot like the girl they had seen in the cafetaria some time ago.


A few weeks have gone by and they did not sit with the girl again. Mostly because the girl was nowhere to be found, until yesterday. She came back to school two weeks after the springbreak and she looked satisfied, that's the only thing they could call it.

Carlisle had told them not to worry but to be careful as the girl might know what they are, after all she could be of the Quileute's even if she didn't look like it with her fair skin and slightly red hair.

They wanted to talk to her but she always found a way to not be around when they wanted to or she was to quick with a response that left them confused.

She was not trying to make them angry, but they did not know that. After all they could not read her mind or see her in visions.


"The painting was found buried in a grave of a person whom we expect was close to the painter, named Alexandra Sportaine. The painting is of what we suspect to be a family, maybe even hers as she herself is stood in the middle." the girl grabs a bowl with cruesli as she increases the volume of her TV. A small smile plays on her lips as she hears about the painting. "The painting will be auctioned this afternoon at 3."

The girl makes her way to the couch and plops down. She was not ready to go to school again after the busy weeks she had.

With the laptop on her lap and a glass of cold coke on the small table next to couch, she starts to do some research. She was an incredible hacker and could find out things easily, so finding out that the Cullens did indeed go to school before going to Forks High was no surprise.

The familiar sound of the house phone rings through the large and hollow room, making her taking a large jump towards that side of the room after putting the laptop on the couch.

"Hello?" She answers softly. There were many who knew the number and also many she did not want to hear at this moment.

"Alex." She hears the familiar voice and sighs in bliss. She had missed his voice and presence in the house. "I'm coming home soon." She sits down on the couch and takes a sip before giving a nod.

"Are you safe?" She slowly asks, knowing the task he had.

"For now, when I'm home I'll be truly safe and you will be too." She gives a slight smile.

"You know that's not true. I miss you." Her voice a soft whisper. She hears a small sigh on the other side of the phone.

"I miss you too." She hears sounds on the other side of the phone. "I have to go, see you soon. I love you."

Before she can even reply, the call is ended. She sighs and a tear falls down her cheek. She was scared for his safety, especially now there were vampires here in the town they lived in.


The girl drives onto the parking lot of the school and places her car in the third space from the right. She sends a quick text before walking into the school and ignoring the stares that are thrown behind her to the family that is pulling in.

After all these weeks the people still weren't used to the beautiful family, they still thought that the relationship between the eldest adopted siblings was strange and hated the fact that none of the boys and girls were approachable for dating.

As the girl walks to her locker she hears someone running after her and finds the blond Cullen in front of her.

"Jasper." she says as she tries to walk away with her books under her arms. He walks beside her and people are glancing at them. "If you'd please leave me alone, then I could wallow in my unfame." she takes a turn but he stays beside her leaving them both in an empty hallway. "What do you want from me mister Cullen." she says in a teasing voice.

"Well Alexandra," he begins making the girl stop in he track and turn towards the man. "We, my siblings and I, were wondering from where we knew you.." the girl turns and tries to walk away but Jasper walks after her in a fast human pace. "And than Carlisle gave us an idea. See, we have this painting-.."

"If you want to anger me, you take one step further. But be warned, I do not fear your kind. This is my home for a while now, I don't care what I have to do to protect it." the girl glares at him and her eyes grow a shade of black before turning around and leaving the stunned vampire behind.

Jasper didn't know what to think of her threat towards him and his family, but oh how he wanted to hear her accent again.

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