chapter 001

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"So we're not making friends again?" Alice says with a pout as everyone gets in their cars. Carlisle already left for his job as doctor.

They came to the small town around 3 or 4 days ago and everyone already knew that there would be coming a new family to their small school. Pretty much everything that happens in this small town was news and apparently a doctor and his wife who adopted 5 kids is world news to these people.

"No Alice," Edward sighs. "You know the drill."

To this Rosalie rolls her eyes. They were condemned to a life where making friends would be dangerous, especially human friends.

"Let's get this show on the road." Emmett booms and starts to drive his car to the school.

It wasn't a long drive but nevertheless irritated Edward as the thoughts of his siblings were going anywhere.

Rosalie's thoughts were mainly about the petty people, although Edward knew that she was jealous. Emmett wanted to join the football team even though he knew he couldn't. It wouldn't be fair. Alice felt sad, they would be living here for a while yet they couldn't make friends. She had already seen that lots of people would want to talk to them yet they had to say no. Edward himself didn't want to think. He wanted time for himself but he had to enroll himself into school. Jasper.. Oh Jasper.. He felt uncomfortable. He didn't want to go to school even though it would be good for his animal training.

They arrived at the school and got out, many eyes turned towards them and Edward tries not to chuckle at the thoughts that everyone has. Guys and some girls were drooling over his adoptive sisters and girls and a few guys were practically falling down at the sight of the Cullen brothers.

The timetables they got were made so they could have lots of classes together. They look at their schedules and see that the Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie are all in the same grade. Edward and Alice both were in the same grade as well.

Once they split and walk to classes, the looks that get thrown to them are still the same as when they entered the school ground. Alice and Edward sit next to each other and Alice tries to figure out where they can sit at lunch. Edward sighs softly, this was going to be a hard and long day.


The lunchroom was packed. No table was left except for one where they could sit with a girl who was eating an apple.

"I thought it was empty." Alice say softly and confused.

"Let's just get food and sit with her, or you'd rather sit outside with the sun shining through the clouds?" Emmett replies as he walks away from them, Rosalie following him suit. The rest sighs softly and ignore the looks they get thrown before getting food and walking to the girl.

"This is not feeling dangerous or anything." The girl says as they all walk to the table. "I'm not standing up so you can all sit here. No apologies but this is MY table." Everyone could feel her underlying threat even though the girl had not looked up and fixed her glasses so she could read better.

"You want to go away?" the girl asks with an underlying tone that she wanted to be left alone.

"Neh, we'll sit with you." Alice excitedly says as she sits down next to the girl who everyone could only physically see. The psychic ignores the looks that get thrown at her by Edward and Rosalie but motions for them to sit down too.

The girl looks up and sees that she is not the only one looking at the Cullen family. Heads in the cafetaria were turned to see the peculiar scene play out.

"So you are not going away?" Alice smiled big and shook her head no.

The girl let out a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Alright then." she muttered softly as if she knew that they could hear her.

The girl bends sideways so she could put her book in her backpack and sits up straight. She grabs her glasses and puts them in her backpack as well before looking at the crew.

She noticed how they all looked tired, yet strikingly beautiful. She felt her heart leap to her throat at the sight of their beauty. They were all different yet somehow the same.

She was observing them just as they were observing her as they couldn't find her heartbeat yet she wasn't pale and even though the girl was absolutely beautiful, there was nothing of vampire to find in her blue eyes.

The girl that insisted of sitting with her had short dark hair pointing in every direction and bright golden eyes. She knew what it meant. The girl was just as tall as her but slightly thinner. Her features were pixie-like and she moved with a grace that made the girl envious as she still couldn't after all these years of dancing.

The guy next to her looked confused. He had bronze colored hair and it was styled with probably a lot of hairgel. His cheekbones were high and his jawline cut, his lips were full and perfectly cut under his straight nose.

There was a couple, the girl could sense it. She could see the bond between the rather large build man and the supermodel woman. They were together for a long time, by only looking at them she could tell they were for more then 65 years. The man was the tallest of them all, his hair was a very dark brown almost black and was slightly curly, this and the dimples he had gave him a slightly childish look. The woman was the most beautiful of them all, her golden like hair that falls down halfway her back matches the golden eyes she has.

And then there was the last male.. He had honey blond hair that falls just above his collar, he is lean and has scars all over his body. He has been in many fights and never lost them. It made the girl appreciate the man.

"Well," the girl stands up and leaves the children of the coven baffled. "I'll make sure not to bleed within a few miles of you." she walks away and everyone of the vampires turn to watch her walk away as she grabbed her phone and texted someone.


Okay, so this is before Twilight. Like 2 years. I'll be trying to get through those years a little faster than normal but there are going to be some rather tough chapters.

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