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While Y/n was too busy in the different world, studying. Lucifer now scolding Yuki, Satan and Belphegor for their actions "Not only all of you plan to put a curse on me which it failed, and that failed curse brought Y/n to another world?!" he fumed

"We didn't mean to send Y/n to another world! We are tried finding how to bring Y/n back we couldn't find anything!" Yuki said

Lucifer sighs "Everyone in this house will be helping us try and find a spell or a way to bring Y/n back, if a certain someone who actually listens to Y/n's warning they will still be here" he said as Satan glared at his older brother as he just sighs, knowing that it was his fault in the first place.

"Are we going to tell Diavolo about Y/n?" Yuki ponders "It would be strange for Y/n not attending classes after all" Yuki continued as Lucifer spoke "Don't worry, I'll tell Diavolo tomorrow morning but for now we need to discuss how we can get Y/n back"

"Wait, wait why are we all in this anyway?" Mammon asks which earned him a smack from his older brother "Because we are family, who knows what they are doing right now.They could be possibly in danger for all we know"

"Yea... What if that world... where they are could be completely powerless and accept their death, wait no I shouldn't be thinking of that." Beelzebub shook his head "Y/n is stronger than that"

"Why don't we try talking to Solomon about it?" Asmodeus suggests "He might help after all he is the most powerful sorcerer. I want Y/n to be so they can design and judge my clothes, besides Yuki. Y/n is one of the people who would listen me rant about myself and beauty!"

"Well that is a good suggestion, what do you think Lucifer?" Yuki asked the prideful man as he would cross his arms "I suppose it wouldn't it hurt to try if Solomon can get any information about Y/n's where abouts"

"Now we are talking about this situation... Y/n's situation is like that anime called My brother got me into another world and now I am forced into being a help around and deal with mentally ill teenagers at scho-" Leviathan got caught of by Belphegor "Levi, we don't have time for your ramblings right now" Belphegor spat


It is now quite late,Grim sleeping at the bed while the demon was still wide awake. "I should really revamp this dorm" Y/n thought closing the book they read, officially now with studying. With an easy snap of their fingers the dorm immediately changed, it looks similar to the house of lamention. Reasons as to why the demon made it look like that, it made them feel like at home.

Walking outside of their bedroom, pleased at how the dorm now looks like yet couldn't help but feel upset. They already miss their siblings and Yuki. They let a sigh "I should sleep, it's already late... Belphie will be upset if I didn't sleep" they muttered as they went back to their room and fell asleep.

"Hihihi... don't you guys have to clean up the academy now?" Ghost A said as Y/n immediately woke up lightly shook the sleeping creature to wake up

" If you keep rolling around lazily like that, one day you won't be able to wake up for eternity, you know? "Ghost B said"Just like us!"

This made Grim to be wide awake " Fugya! There are ghosts again!" he exclaimed "Y/n do something!"

"Don't worry they won't harm us, they won't even land a hit on me if do" Y/n said confidently "Anyway moving... Ghosts do you like the place? I revamp it last night"

"We were surprised how big and beautiful it looks!" Ghost C praises "How do you manage to make this abandoned dorm into this big house?"

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