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what's up people

I'm still alive, will update frequently after school ends (which is either in may or June)

just a little something a ship maybe?

Also hadn't write in so long so my writing skills might be rusty 😭


It was that kind of day, where it has atmosphere of love swarming in the air. Y/n has got to admit it themself, they were bad at love, being that odd one out of this kind of special day sure does suck for the demon.

"Why do the humans here also celebrate this day?" Y/n thought to themself as they were at the school hallways "I don't see why it has its special day when anyone can confess their love anytime whenever they were ready..."

Y/n thoughts were interrupted by Grim, who was screaming at their ears. This made the h/c haired demon smack him in the head out of irritation

Grim let out a painful groan, glaring at them and crossing their arms "What's that for?!" he exclaimed "Ya don't have to hit me that hard! it's your fault for spacing into space in the first place!"

Y/n rolled their eyes "Well I am deeply sorry for spacing out, it's just that... this kind of day is something I would bother skipping actually..." they muttered, shooking their head at the thought of couples walking around the school campus.

Y/n couldn't help but slightly glare at them in jealousy, Y/n wanted to feel that kind of love even if it is just once.   Y/n wonders, when will they manage to experience that kind of love that these students of Night Raven College.

Heck!Even their brothers get to experience that kind of love. Y/n just ponders or rather want to experience what kind of things that being in a relationship do.

"Ehh? You rather stay at the dorm? that's odd of you" Grim blurted out, then suddenly grin "Then let's go skip school for today!"

As Grim was about to fly away his way back to the dorm, Y/n grabbed him by the collar and rolled their eyes "No. We're still going to school, you simpleton. This day is just bothering me, because uhm..."  Y/n paused, not wanting to say the actual reason

"Look I don't want to be absent over a stupid reason" Y/n changing the subject, lately Y/n has been thinking to themself.

They have a certain eye on a student, they always feel butterflies in their stomach whenever they have a chance. While at first of their encounters can be considered unfriendly to the person they liked, but as days turns into weeks, months of getting to know one another. Y/n didn't understand the feeling, Y/n hated that they were feeling this way.

But...At the same time, Y/n felt like it was a bliss. Y/n just let out a long sigh, knowing that they would never have a chance when comes to romance.

Then suddenly a figure walk behind them and tapped their shoulder and it was....


oh? you guys really think I would write something that deals with romance? I'm bad with those

Happy April Fool's! :>


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