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"Y/n! Stop it, don't hurt Jamil!" Kalim cried out while Y/n and Jamil are fighting with one another, Y/n dodging with the use of ice magic.

"Kalim! He literally betrayed you and you still want me to give this man mercy?" Y/n remarked as their brows furrow,clearly upset at Kalim's words. Wind and ice magic swirl together around the demon, suddenly almost Jamil got hit by icicles that were summoned on the ground made by Y/n, Y/n letting out a growl suddenly the dorm turned cold.

Y/n making a blizzard with their ice magic, Y/n about to hit Jamil again but Kalim rush towards them and hug them "The Y/n that I know won't do this! I don't want my friends hurt one another!" he wept, holding onto the demon tightly. Y/n slightly wide their eyes, stopping what they were doing

"But Ka-" Y/n stop saying their sentence,by suddenly turning around. To protect Kalim from the attack that was about hit them,Y/n letting out a grunt in pain

Kalim immediately asks them if they were alright, concerned for his friend

"Throw yourself to the ends of the earth and never come back!!" Jamil yelled out, this made Y/n wide their eyes trying to stop him with their magic but it was too late. All of them suddenly got thrown away at the end of the dessert.

Y/n letting out a groan, removing Kalim on top of them gently. As they stand up,removing the sand off their clothes

"Well I did not expect of you to do that, turning to your actual form..." Azul commented as Y/n let out a huff, crossing their arms.

"This isn't even my real form. This form is just to restrain myself using too much magic..." Y/n said "It's a kinda stupid reason why"

Y/n suddenly recall something in their mind, It was a memory about Y/n and Lucifer spending time together. Where one time that Lucifer wanted to help Y/n with their magic.

Remembering when Y/n in the end defeat Lucifer in just one simple blow, which made Lucifer's pride broken. Lucifer telling Y/n to never be in their true form unless they have something to do with Lord Diavolo.

Azul surprised at this info, as he fix his glasses "Oh my... Tell me how do I unlock your true form? Surely having a pact with you can do that if my calculations are correct.." he muttered

"Well... It depends how deep our connections are, I think Ace and Deuce can do it if they just won't summon me for stupid occasions like summoning me out in the open" Y/n said, rolling their eyes at remembering the memory but immediately shook their head "But let's focus at our situation at hand right now..."

Y/n helping Kalim up "This place is cold... I don't think Kalim can last if we stay here for far too long, I am already used to the cold... You three live in the ocean, and Grim has thick fur.." Y/n muttered, making Kalim lean to their shoulder

"We do not have our brooms nor a carpet. And we cannot fly either. What do you suggest we do?" Jade ponders, placing his hand over his chin

"Are we gonna have to walk back all the way?" Floyd asks

"It took quite a while before we landed here, so I suspect walking back will take a few hours as well." Azul assumed as he glance at Floyd "Still, I feel creeped out by your voice, Floyd. I’ll revoke the contract so you can have your magic back."

Azul ripping the contract "Eh…? I’m enjoying it though…" Floyd whined, a visible frown planted on his face as he clear his throat "Aww... , my voice is back."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐏𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄||𝐓𝐖𝐒𝐓Where stories live. Discover now