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Now it was the next day, The Octavinelle trio along with Grim and Y/n are going to scarabia. When they arrived it appears that the scarabia residents were finding the duo. Surprised seeing the two to be here with the Octavinelle students.

Kalim approach them and greet them. "Hey Y/n! I tried telling the students here that they don't need to find you because you told me where you went last night anyway" Kalim explained "I didn't expect you to bring some friends with you!"

"Azul and the twins wanted to go with me so I hope you do not mind" Y/n said as Azul start speaking

"By the way… I did not expect Scarabia to spend the holidays at the dorm."

"You guys aren’t going home, too?" Kalim recalled

Azul letting out a chuckle "That is correct! What a funny coincidence. That is why Y/n here to suggest a joint training camp between Scarabia and Octavinelle to make the most of our time."

Y/n couldn't help but smirk "That's right. Also I believe Azul would be a great help" Y/n claimed

"I feel as if we have a lot to learn from the way you operate during the holidays as well." Azul said

Kalim flashes a smile "I like that! I have no objections to having you guys stay in our dorm, too!" he approved

Jamil shook his head "Kalim, I’m against it." he disagreed while Kalim was confused as to why "We’re training exactly because we need to catch up to the other dorms."

"And then you’re inviting a different Prefect to stay here? It’s like inviting an enemy into our territory." Jamil stated this made Y/n raised a brow

"But Grim and I are from different dorms so what makes us different... There won't be that much a problem Azul being here if he is just going to help you with training" Y/n retorted

"I understand what you are trying to say, Jamil. We are practically rivals, after all." Azul sighed "Unfortunately, we will have to say goodbye for now. Kalim, Jamil, I wish you good luck on your training."

Azul started to sulk "… I guess the three of us will have to spend the harsh winter alone once more… Well, it is not our say, so let’s go."

" After we worked so hard giving the perfect give to you, too…"Jade sulked as Floyd as well this made Y/n smirk a little and started sulking as well and letting out a sigh

"But Jamil... The headmaster told me that us students shouldn't look at one another as rivals... We should work together and become a unit to fix bigger problems..." Y/n said, looking straight into Kalim's red orbs "I bring Azul, Jade and Floyd so that they could help since I want to to help a friend who is in need for assistance..."

"Haaah.... So heartbroken…~" The four of them synced while having big frowns on their faces

"Jamil.. Y/n is right! It’ll be better to have him help us out if we wanna improve, too!Plus, it goes against the Asim Family’s policies to not repay favors." Kalim said to Jamil

Y/n grinned and clap their hands "Ara, how kind-hearted and understanding you are!" they praised

" I will do whatever I can to help you out as well!" Azul said

"Us brothers will help out with the cooking and cleaning should there be a need." Jade informed as Floyd nod and spoke" Yup, yup~ We help out at the shop a lot, so we’re practically experts~"

" That’ll be a big help! It will lessen Jamil’s work, too!"Kalim cheered

" Don’t worry about me. " Jamil said " You’re not listening at all…"he grumbled

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