Chapter 8: This Is Not A Drill!

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Shit shit shit!

What do I do?

Where do I go?

Why did I let Caleb talk me into this? So much for being a prank boss but he's not here to help get my ass out of trouble.


Looking around for a hiding place, I notice even with my small figure, I'd be easily noticed. My eyes keep scanning the room for an exit until I see the tiny window above the toilet, I might just fit.

I manage to tiptoe to the toilet but the lid makes the smallest of noises as I get on it, making me halt out of instinct. My eyes staying glued on the crocked ceiling, seems to be the only thing out of place.

Has he heard me? The suspenseful thrill is killing me!

But wait...everything is quiet, I can't hear Noah. The only sound blasting in my ears is my ragging heart.

"Hey man, let me call you back."

Damn! He's still there.

"Mom, is that you?" He asks as I hear his footsteps coming close. "Mom?"

I don't think twice before I force myself out the small window, earning a small cut on my elbow as I scramble out of the bathroom as fast as I can. I jump out, onto a tree branch and quickly decend the tree like the monkey I never knew I was.

My eyes instinctively lift to Noah's bathroom window, just realizing how high up it is. Wow, how did I manage to even get down?

I'm I that scared of Noah? What would he have done if he found me? Do I want to know?

Realizing my luck, I run to our house as if I'm being chased by a the F.B. I.

Once safely inside, with shaking hands, I close the door with a thud, making sure to click the locks. Just in case.

I place a hand on my thudding heart to calm it, it's so hard my ribcage might break.

Phew! I blow out a breath. That was close.


"Dad, can you drop me into town on your way to work?" I holler from upstairs.

I haven't been able to find my phone for a while now, but am sure I came back with it home, I just can't find it.

"Can't sweet pea, I'll be late." Dad responds from down stairs. "Plus, I told you I have a dinner to attend."

"Take me on your way to the dinner." I reinforce.

"Just ask your friend to take you, you need to start going out more, know the area."

"Caleb's busy" Caleb's too busy with his new catch to drive me anywhere.

Dad's been extra busy these past few weeks, sometimes I feel like his avoiding or ignoring me. We don't even eat dinner together anymore.

"Sky, where's my red tie?" Dad yells.

"Urm ah-- I don't know, check the laundry."

The doors click, his footsteps echo in the house, he clearly is I'm a hurry and is nervous about something, but I don't know what it is. Maybe this dinner really is important.

So I decide to help him out.

"You found it?"

Dad lifts his eyes to look at my descending figure. "No."

He looks awfully smart in black dress pants and a white button up. Almost as if he's going out on a date.

"Wear the black one," I sit on the stool by the counter, "you still look good either way."

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