Chapter 2

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"I'm not moving" I take a few steps back

"Skyler liste-..."

"No dad" I start " I only have a few months left before I graduate high school. I can't spend my last days in highschool away from my friends. Look, I could live with Olivier and his parents for the remainder of high school and then I could move to San Francisco when I graduate. Olivier's parents have known me since forever they won't have a problem"

I say while my voice is breaking,tears pricking my eyes. I feel like crying.

" Baby you are going to love it there. You'll meet new friends and you can come over here once in a while to meet your friends. It's going to be fine"

"No dad, it's not. You don't understand" a small sob escapes

"Try to understand Skyler, I can't leave you here alone, I'll be too worried. Next year you're going to college and we won't be living together so atleast I should enjoy some time with my daughter before she becomes all grown up and leaves her old man"
He says as his eyes soften as he walks closer

"Dad, don't say that. It's not like I'm-..." Before I could finish he cut me off

" I've been working for the hospital for a long time now, finally I've got my promotion which is going to help me pay for your college tuition. I want you to go to a good school and fulfill your dreams. I know you may not understand but an opportunity like this is very rare."

"I know dad. That's why am saying you should go while I stay back" I sigh out of frustration

"No way . I can not let you be another parent's responsibility while am still alive" he states a bit loud


"No ifs and buts we are leaving together this Saturday and that's final"

"This is not fair!" I say as I go up to my room, stomping hard,footsteps echoing our small house

"Life is unfair,start packing Sky" dad replies firmly.


"....then after the date ended we kissed,his lips taste like strawberries,hmmm" Olivier rumbles on.

I have been trying to find the right moment to tell him that we are moving to San Francisco but I just can't seem to find one.

"I think Peter has a nice arse,I am definitely falling for him"he continues as I hum in reply.

"Why are you being so quiet and reserved right now? Did you argue with that dick head boyfriend of yours? Oh no wait! Did you brea-...."

"We are moving" I say breaking his mini runt.

"Really! To where?" He gasps

"San Francisco" I reply as I exhale

"What the fuck!? Are you joking?"

"No joke here Olly, Dad got a promotion to work as the chief of surgeon at a prestigious,fancy hospital in San Francisco"

"But you can't just leave. We haven't even graduated high school yet"

"I wish I could stay, but dad wants me to go with him"

"Damn.... I just never imagined that one of us would leave San Diego"he says sadly.

"Me neither"

There is complete silence on the other line and I thought that he had cut the call until he says

"Anyways it's not that bad, you now have a chance to leave dick head and find a guy that's better than him , he might even give you multiple orgasms."

Trust Olivier to talk about sex to try to make me feel better,I laugh lightly.

"Lucas DOES GIVE me multiple orgasms" I lie through my teeth

"Whatever let's your boat sail" he replies sassily.

"Okay bye Olly, talk to you later. Lucas is calling"

"Let me not delay your break up. Byeeeee" just like that I hang up and answer Lucas's call.

"Hey babe" he says cheerfully

"We are moving to San Francisco this Saturday because dad got a promotion, I don't want to go but he wants me to go, I don't even know if you'd date someone who leaves in another city, I don't know if our relationship will work out, I-..." I rumble suddenly worried if Lucas would want to be with someone who is so far away,I can't even imagine the girls that will be throwing themselves at him once am gone.

"Slow down there. When did you know about this?"

"At dinner this evening" a sob escapes me,I bite my lower lip

"Wow. I don't even know what to say" he sighs deeply

"Anything would be nice"I reply

"No matter what happens I am going to be there for you. You're moving to a new city so what? Many people out there are in distance relationships but they make it work. I promise we'll make it work, okay babe?" He says softly,his words soothe me


"Everything's gonna work out you'll see"

I cut the call as tears start to fall from my eyes,I can't hold the sobs escaping my mouth and I don't want to worry Lucas. I hold my mother's picture, which sits on my nightstand,I pass a hand over her beautiful face,I could almost feel her soft tender skin

"Why did you leave me?"

More tears fall and I don't stop them,they land on Mom's picture. I put the picture closer to my chest

"I miss you so much Mom"

I sniffle, then wipe my tears as I take a deep breath, look at Mom's face again before I put the picture in my suitcase. It's not like I have a choice,I have to move with Dad,so I start packing up my stuff, glancing at everything in my tiny room, relishing all my memories here, which I have to let go.

The next day

We arrive in San Francisco with just our suitcases,dad's friend Kelvin,will bring our stuff with a truck a bit later.

Dad hails for a taxi and barks the address to the driver,I still can't believe we'll be living here,for good.

"Sky,are you okay? You've been awfully quiet" dad says intertwining our fingers

"Am okay" I answer staring out the window

"It's gonna be okay,yeah?" He says cupping my cheeks, turning me to face him,I nod in agreement he gives me a tight smile.

It's definitely going to be hard for me,I have to go to a new school,for the first time I'll be all alone, I hate being the newbie, everyone already knows each other by now,it's senior high school for crying out loud.

The taxi parks outside I huge house with a wire fence,I can clearly see the beauty from the outside

"We'll be living here?" I ask in astonishment,dad hums in agreement with a wide smile,I gasp and exit the cab.

I stare at the large grey two story building,it has a beautiful green scenery,large trees sounding it's majestic glory.

It's definitely too huge for two people,or maybe I just think it's too big because our previous home was small

"Come help with the luggage Sky!" Dad shouts, drawing my attention to him.

I turn and walk towards the cab,a boy or young man, about my age is grabbing dad's suitcase.

"Let me help with that" he says grabbing both dad's suitcases,which look very heavy,but he's trying to carry both at once. I walk over to dad and stand next to him.

"Sky,this is our new neighbor,he stays across the street" dad points to a glorious house opposite ours. The young man waves awkwardly, dropping the cases

"Hi,I'm Caleb" he greets me,his brown eyes shinning in the afternoon sun

"Skyler" I shake his hand

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