Chapter 12

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The chirping birds outside my window, indicating it's morning are an annoying noise that will never seize to amaze me. I usually love the sound but today, I'm not in the mood. I just want to sleep and wake up after three years. I'm only getting up cause Dad will be home soon from his nightshift, gotta make breakfast for my old man.

Groaning, I make my way to the bathroom and freshen up before heading downstairs. I make some pancakes as the coffee brews. The second I'm done setting the table, the door opens and dad enters as if on cue.

"Good timing, just made breakfast."

"Morning baby," dad yawns. He's still in his scrubs, eyes red with dark circles under, he's tired. It's a familiar sight.

"How was the surgery?" I'm not at all interested in medical stuff, I ask just to know how dad's day at work was.

He smiles, a few wrinkles appear on his face. "There were some complications but everything went well."

He's been working twice as much since we moved, that's probably why we rarely spend time together anymore. He wasn't this busy back in downtown San Diego. I just wish we didn't have to move, then maybe my life wouldn't be the mess it is now. But I wouldn't have known Lucas's true colors or met Caleb.

Speaking of Caleb, he came to check in on me last night, to see if I was okay but didn't ask much. I don't think he was home the time Lucas came, it made me wonder how he knew I wasn't okay.

"You okay, sweet pea?" I'm startled to find Dad's concerned face only a few feet away.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just...have cramps, can I call in a sickie?" I'm perfectly fine, I just don't want to go to school feeling like shit.

"Sure no problem." Dad responds.

Dad's phone rings, I didn't notice it on the counter. He's quick to grab it before I can even see the caller.

"Excuse me, gotta take this," then he moves from me in record time, like I have a disease. "Wake me up at two, I have an appointment."


When he works 48 hours straight like he just did, he sleeps the whole day through but is always on call.

"But I made breakfast." I announce when Dad starts acending the staircase.

"Sorry baby, I already ate." He hollers while still on the phone.

My brows furrow in confusion. Ate? Where?

Dad isn't the type to buy already cooked food. He's very particular about what he eats. Since when does he eat out?



Knock knock knock.

I've been calling and telling Dad to wake up but he's not responding, I hate when he does this. He'll be late for his appointment.

"Dad? Dad, it's almost three!"

"What?" He yelps after a thud. "I'm up, I'm up."

I stifle a laugh, it's not even 2:30 yet, just wanted to give him a scare.

"Sky you still there?" I responded then he adds, "pack the breakfast you made for me in the morning, I'll eat it on the way."

"I ate everything," I shrug, like he can see me.

"Then make me a sandwich and don't forget the pickles!"

Now there's the annoying, healthy doctor I know.

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