Chapter 19

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Me: hey Ols!

Me: bored asf what you up to


Me: yo! I've had the craziest week

Me: can't wait to tell you all about it!


Me: Olly?

Me: you there?

Olly typing...


Me: dude are you ignoring me?


Me: fine whatever

That's been my entire Saturday morning. Trying to get hold of my dearest best friend who won't respond to any of my calls or texts.

On a sigh, I lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling. And that's when my phone decides to ring. My heart bursts in my chest thinking it's Olly but to my disappointment, it's Lucas.


"Hey, what you up to?"

"Nothing, just in bed." I breath out as I lay back down, "what's up?"

"Nothing," he pauses as if trying to choose his words carefully. "Just missed you."

Now it's my turn to pause.

"Cool," I awkwardly clear my throat.

I hear him blow out a deep breath. "Are we good, Skyler?"

It takes me a second to deduce his statement, "yeah," I nod like he can see me, "we're good. Why would you ask me that?"

"I don't know, I just-- I don't know."

"We're good." I echo.

"So we're still on Friday night?"


Lucas suggested we redo our first date. The dressing, the activities, only difference is that this time it'll be here, in San Francisco. I'm not sure if it's a good idea since our relationship still feels a little rocky. He's trying I know, he texts, calls, sends pictures of everything he's up to, hell, he even video calls every night for the past week to blow me a kiss goodnight.

"It's almost graduation, I'm not sure if you should be travelling around so much."

"Mom will drive me, she's urm--ah, you know, still trying to make me feel better about the divorce."

"Oh," I breath. "I don't think it's nice that you keep using your Mom like that."

"I'm not using her."

"Of course you're not." I roll my eyes.

"Can we not talk about my parents?" He sighs. "Look, if you don't want me to come, I get it."

He's getting so defensive whenever I talk about his parents and I know he's still hurting, but leaching off his mom just cause she's trying to win back his affection isn't right.

"No, you should come," I'm quick to respond."I'm sorry if I came out like I didn't want you to."

He sighs, out of relief clearly. "It'll be awesome, you'll see."

I can almost feel the smile in his voice, I wish I was as excited as he is.

Ding dong.

"Someone's at the door," I get off the bed with the phone still pressed to my ear, "call you later?"

"Urm yeah sure."



I hang up, put my phone in the small pocket of my jean shorts before jogging downstairs.

Upon opening the door, I notice the woman on the other side. She has a cream shirt on, paired with grey office pants and black heels. Her hair is dark but short, reaching just below her ears. Lips painted a devil red, a pair of sunglasses cover her eyes and she's holding a designer handbag.

"Can I help you?"

Offering a soft smile she says, "hi, I'm Jessica."


"Is your Dad home?"

"Urm no, he isn't," I shake my head, "he's still at work."

"Skyler right?" A manicured finger is pointed at me. I nod in response. "You look exactly how he described you."

I'm a little bit lost. Is she some relative I don't know about? Because if she is, this is going to be awkward.



"It's nice to meet you, Jessica." For some reason my mouth continues to say, "You can come in if you don't mind waiting for him,"

"Oh," she laughs awkwardly, "I don't know..."

Dad would freak if she was some patient of his and I let her leave just like that.

"I'm sure he won't be long."

With a glance at her wrist watch she finally says. "Sure, why not?"

I open the door wider, letting her in first before following behind. She reaches the couch and I motion for her to sit, but then I notice it's dirty from the chips I eating earlier.


"Don't mind the mess. I usually clean up before Dad gets home," wait, "not like I'm a disorganized teenager who goes crazy when her Dad isn't home. I'm lazy sometimes, like most people."

Jessica laughs lightly, and I notice she's taken off her sunglasses, she's so much prettier without them. Her eyes are hazelnut with a hint of green, but give a very unreadable expression.

"Don't worry about it, I totally get you. My place is a garbage house 24/7." She waves a hand in the air.

A soft smile touches my lips. I don't know this lady but for some reason, I like her. Maybe she is a long lost relative. Mom's maybe?

"Would you like something to drink?" I offer.

"Thank you." She shakes her head, a little bit of hair gets in her face but she pushes it back softly. "So how are you liking San Francisco so far?"

So she knows we moved... Oh--kay. Maybe she's his patient? No, I doubt it. Dad never tells them about his life. A friend maybe? Dad, a female friend? Pshh!

"It's a beautiful city."

"I'm really glad you like it," she smiles warmly. "I also moved here when I was about your age. I must admit, it was hard at first but then I fell in--"

But before she can finish her sentence, the phone rings.

"Sorry," I offer a soft smile. "I have to get that."

"Go ahead," she waves me off.

With another smile, I pick up the phone, turning away from her.


"Skyler Stone?" The caller asks in a firm tone.


"I found your number in Dr Stone's emergency contacts,"

Confusion floods me as I turn to face Jessica who's face probably mirrors mine.

"Everything okay?" She whispers

I shrug at her before asking the caller, "where's my Dad?"

"Your Dad's been in an accident."

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