Chapter 4

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2 months later

Considering how my first day at school was, I'd dare say, school is more endurable. Atleast I've made a few friends. I got to know the city a bit more, all thanks to Caleb.He took it upon himself to drive me around the city.

I'd never tell this to anyone but am kind of glad we moved here. l have gotten to know my neighbors, well just 3 of them, Mrs Canosa ( Caleb's mum), Mary a sweet old lady who leaves a few blocks away from our house and Caleb.

Caleb has been friendly, sweet and charming. He looks like the boy next door kind of guy, in our case literally. His good at computers, academics, football and being an awesome neighbor.

He has short light brown hair. Blue eyes, not the special kind of blue that could make you get lost in them but just blue. The pretty kind of blue. He is tall and lean which always makes me look like a dwarf when I stand next to him. He has a birth mark near his lip. I know this because I pay attention to small details, the little things, call it my specialty. It's one of the things Lucas loves about me.

My relationship with Lucas has sort of gone rusty. You know how couples say distance makes them grow closer, I don't know about others but not for us. We've gone from happy and in love to insecure, jealous partners. Lucas thinks I might find someone better than him and then I'll leave him, which isn't true because nobody can ever be as good as Lucas is to me. Am the one who should be having those insecurities because Lucas's new math tutor is hot. I know this because I've stalked her on Instagram. She's smart, beautiful, I just hope she has a horrible personality because it's not fair for someone to get good both ways.

Am thinking of going to visit Lucas and Olivier after my exams. I've missed them so much.

Am on my way to Caleb's house to study because it's Saturday, our final exams are in a months time, dad is at work,he'll be back by dinner time though but I'm bored and I have nothing better to do. Nerd. I know for a fact that Caleb is home because I've seen his car parked outside their house. He never goes anywhere without it.


"How is Math anybody's favorite subject!" I say loudly while munching on Doritos. Am at Caleb's house answering Math questions while he works on his art project.

"Math is very interesting, it's one of my favorite subjects" he says.

This is how the past two hours have gone by, me munching on Doritos while I try to solve calculus and Caleb drawing whatever it is that his drawing,I've caught him a few times staring at me,which is weird.

"I think I need a break" I say happily.

"Me too, I've been at this for the past two hours"he replies after putting his drawing instruments away.

"You look pretty today" flirt.

I scoff. "Caleb Canosa! stop lying to me. I know how I look like and it ain't pretty, we have mirrors at our house you know" he laughs

"I think it's weird that your mom is a veterinarian and you don't own a pet" I add

"Noah and I had a dog, Juan, but he took it with him when he went to UCLA"

"Do they allow pets in the hostels?" I lift a brow

"Noah has his own apartment, it's close to the university"

I gasp."Wow!"

"Why don't you have a pet?" He licks his lower lip

"Never really been a fun of animals, much less dogs"I reply honestly

"You're heartless!"he says dramatically putting his hand on his chest.

"Oh please. You should get a new dog" I suggest

"No thank you. Noah's coming with Juan very soon" he exhales

"Do you miss Noah?"

"Nah, but I do miss Juan"

"You are something else" I shake my head as I laugh.

"What would you do if I kissed you?" he asks all of a sudden, startling me,my widen and I scan his face,he has a smirk plastered on.

I laugh. "I'd kick your balls"

"That's wicked" He says while staring at my lips. I thought we were talking about dogs a minute ago.

"I know" I reply sarcastically.

In one swift move,he advances towards me,cups my cheeks and his lips are on mine.

My mouth trembles beneath his as he kisses me like a starved man. I gasp and he takes advantage of that and thrusts his tongue into my mouth, Caleb backs me up to the wall as he continues kissing me deeply. He holds my head so that he can kiss me better and I have no idea why I do it but am kissing him back same furiousty .I snake my arms around his neck, He pushes me to a wall and cups my ass cheeks, but when feel his erection grinding on my stomach,I know we've crossed a line we can't uncross.

Oh my God

Holy shit, what did I do

Did Caleb just kiss me

Kill me now

I instantly stop and push him back. "Stop,this isn't right"

"Come on Sky,I know you want this" he groans as he tries to claim my lips again.
What have I done?
I have a boyfriend back in San Diego,but here I am,kissing a guy I just met a few months ago.

"I have a boyf-.."

He cuts me off. "Fuck! He's not here, you don't even know what he does,he probably fucks other girls!"

That's it. I slap his chest pushing him away. "Don't talk shit about my Lucas"

He scoffs. "Your Lucas? You weren't thinking about him when you fucking kissed me back"

"You know what?"

He lifts a shoulder. "What?"

"Fuck you!" With that I storm out and close the door with a loud thud.

I did cheat on Lucas,but Caleb started it. I feel so stupid and ugly. I shouldn't have let that happen,I shouldn't have taken what he said as a joke.

What would you do if I kissed you?

Should I tell Lucas about it? God....what would he think of me?

"Hey sweetie,I'm making dinne-"

Dad says as I enter our house but I cut him off. "I'm not hungry" I head upstairs to my room and lock the door.

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