Chapter 33

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It's still dark outside when I wake,the sun just starting to rise. There's a warm solid body wrapped around me. Clinging tightly to my midsection


He's in my bed.

And we had sex. We had amazing hot sex.

Images flash through my mind of the night before, making me tingle in all the right places. But what also comes with those images is a mixture of regret and mostly concern.

My eyes go to Noah's sleeping figure. His lower half is covered by the comforter but his upper part is on full display for my appreciation.

I still can't believe Noah was inside me. A naughty smile touches my lips but soon fades when I realize this was a one time thing. And it probably didn't mean as much to him as it did to me... And now I'm frowning.

Carefully, I slide my leg out from between his. Holding my breath, I wait to make sure that I haven't woken him. When I'm sure he's still asleep, I lift his arm and slide out of bed like I'm some ninja.

My feet to the floor, and I'm quick to open a drawer, grab a towel, and wrapping it around my naked figure.

When I look at my reflection in the mirror, I'd be mistaken for a ghost or some zombie. My hair is a mess and there's dark circles under my eyes. I reach over to grab a comb but then knock over the glue Caleb gave me as a birthday gift and it doesn't land so discreetly. It infact makes the loudest of noises, the cap flying open in the process.


My head lifts in the direction of the bed and as if on cue, Noah rouses from his sleep, abruptly lifting his head after noticing I'm not beside him on the bed.

His eye meet mine when I'm half bent to grab the bottle, with my other hand holding the towel closely to my chest.

My heart pauses when I unintentionally hold my breath.

"There you are," he smiles softly. My chest constricts with an unwanted emotion. He gets off the bed, completely naked, and... Semi hard. Then comes over to me, making me straighten up. "Good morning."

My heart flatters when he takes me in his arms and hugs me, kissing my hair.

"I love your hair like this."

Then he lifts my chin, our eyes bore in each other's for a second. His shinning from what I think is the rising sun, a soft smile on his lips. Then kisses my mine. And I melt right into him. Letting his hands tangle in my short hair as he angles my head to kiss me deeper. I try keeping up with his pace but I'm exhausted from last night and I'm all tingly everywhere.

"Stop," I put my hands on his chest, pushing him back.

What am I doing, what's really going on between us? I can't keep letting this happen. Him coming back when he feels like it and leaving me hurt.

"I don't want to stop," he comes back in but I stop him with my hand.

And I don't think before speaking. "You don't have to pretend anymore. We both got what we wanted and--"

"Wait," his face scrunches in confusion, taking a step back. "What are you saying?"

I sigh, holding the towel tighter as if shielding myself from an inevitable heartbreak. "Wasn't this all me trying to get a piece of both you and your brother, and I did, so..."

Frustration burns in his eyes.

"Skyler--" he reaches out but I take a step back, making his hand fall to his side. And he sighs, frustrated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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