Chapter 14

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"I feel like I died and ended up in hell but laughed at the devil's horns and he kicked me out." Olly rouses from his sleep.

He somehow managed to find his way back here around two in the morning, he is lucky dad just came back from work and doesn't know about the party.

"That's what you get for drinking yourself half to death." I chastise.

"Yeah well don't yell at me."

"I'm not."

"Sky, my head really hurts," he whines, unintentionally covering his hand over the magazine on my lap as he tries to hug my waist.

"And who's fault is that?" I push his hand away.

"Get me some aspirin," he massages his temples with a pout, "please."

Rolling my eyes, I carefully remove the comforter off me and head to the bathroom. I grab some bottles of pain killers from the cabinet behind the mirror where Dad always puts them.

"Here." I hand Olly the pills and a glass of water after he sits upright. After taking them, he lays back down on the bed.

"I have to go, I'll be late for school."

"Go on," he shoos me away with his hand. "You'll find me right here."

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I let out a deep breath. "Olly, what are you doing? Don't you have school?"

It annoys me when he covers his face with a pillow like I'm a nuisance.

"We're on leave."

"Everyone or just you?"

"I lose nothing by visiting my friend for a few days. I'm a great student if I may add."

"Yeah, Mr Consistency when it comes to Ds." I roll my eyes, "do you really want to miss so many classes when we're this close to finishing?"

He removes the pillow from his face, dark eyes with circles under them meet mine. "If you want me to leave just say it."

"I don't want you to--" I groan in frustration. "You're unbelievable. You know what, I'm just gonna go. It's useless talking to you."


I grab my things and quickly text Caleb to see if he's ready to go.

Caleb: sorry can't today, riding with Barb

Arg! Just what I needed. I'm really starting to dislike his new catch. He dumped the other girl and started dating this Barb chick like two weeks ago. He rarely spends time with me anymore cause he's always with her. And we haven't even met yet.

Suddenly my bedroom door opens, startling even Olly out of the bed.

"Your mother called." Dad announces, "she said you stole her car and haven't been at school in the past two days."

Olly's face drains of blood.

"Care to tell me what's going on?"

"Urm--ah, see Mr S, thing is my mom has a vendentta against me and she's been trying to get rid of me since forever and--"

"Stop lying, Olivier." Dad warns in firm tone.

"Yes sir." He bows his head in shame. "I really just wanted to get away from all the drama for a little while, you know how the people in downtown San Diego are. I just needed some peace especially with what everyone keeps saying in school."

Is it me? I'm I the drama everyone keeps talking about back home?

When Olly's eyes meet mine, I get my answer. I can only imagine what Lucas must have told everyone about me.

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