Chapter 3- Him

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The icy water seemed to run through Chris's body as they waded through the pool. Sam and Mike were at his sides, guiding him to where they knew Josh had been last time they came down to find him.
The opposite shore of the pool got closer and closer, and Chris could see the shine of the door that Mike and Sam had told him about.
He prepared to see the bodies he knew hung behind the metal door, stuck to meathooks.
He feared Josh would be hanging there too.
Sam nudged against him, giving him a sympathetic look.
"Whatever happens, we are here."
Chris relaxed slightly, softly smiling back at Sam.

Mike helped haul Chris up onto the bank, and they stood for a moment, letting the worst of the water gush off of their clothes.
Chris stared through the door, left open from Mike and Sam's last visit here. There were meathooks hanging from the ceiling of the mine, and a horrid smell wafted out. Chris's stomach churned.
I hope that the rotting scent isn't him.

The trio crept through the door, Mike immediately taking the lead, slowly moving along the wooden wall. Sam peered through the gaps, but slightly shook her head.
She didn't see anything.

A bloody jacket hung torn from one of the meat hooks, and Chris recognised it as that of the Stranger's. He gagged, and turned away, Mike's hand landing gently on his shoulder.
That man helped me. And I let this happen to him.
The guilt made his heart sink.
They came to the end of the wall, and Sam turned the corner into the cave where they had found Josh before.
The group wandered to the center of the cavern, looking around.
"He's not here." Chris couldn't tell if Mike sounded relieved or upset.
He didn't know how he felt himself.
Sam shook her head. "We need to check everywhere. He could still be in here."
Chris and Mike ignored the subtext of her comment, but agreed.
They split, and began looking around for anything that could elude to Josh.
The mines were silent aside from the sounds of the nearby pool.

After a few minutes of no luck, Chris sighed.
"Guys, I don't think we will find him here. We should go look-"
Chris watched the others freeze, and did so himself.

A footstep had sounded just on the other side of the wooden wall.
Chris slowly turned, staring at the point where the wall ended.
Another step.
And another.
Chris didn't breathe. He didn't even blink.
An all too familliar sighing noise, not alike to any animal or person.

Chris tried not to shake.

It was one of those things.

And it was coming for them.

Chris was suddenly yanked back behind a large rock. Turning to see Mike, who signalled him to be quiet.
Chris looked back, leaning out slightly to see what was coming their way.
There was nothing at first.
Then, from around the corner, a demon limped.
Chris held back his gasp of shock.
The blue flannel, lacking the overalls now, was dirty. His trousers were torn almost to shorts.
And as the creature looked their way, Chris saw its face was bloody, the left cheek being torn open to reveal razor-sharp teeth. The eye on that same side of his face was the milky, dead white that haunted Chris's dreams.
Josh's face scrunched up into a snarl, and he lifted his head to sniff the air.
He definitely knew they were there.
It was only a matter of time until he found them.
"Chris, whats going on? Whats out there?" Sam whispered. She couldn't see from where she was.
"Josh. And he's one of those things." Mike murmured back for Chris.
Warm tears slid down Chris's face. This was the fate they'd abandoned Josh to.
Josh began to step forward, and Chris saw his limp again. His right leg seemed to be sore, and Chris could just see purple bruising around the ankle.
"His leg is hurt." Chris told his companions. "He's limping."
Chris watched as Josh dropped down onto all fours. His legs and arms hadn't stretched out yet. Josh still moved slowly though, letting his leg drag behind him as he pulled himself across the cave floor. He kept stopping to sniff the air, but seemed to not have figured out their location yet.
He let out a shriek, and Chris flinched.
Josh's head snapped around to the slight movement, and he stared.
"Don't move." Mike muttered.
Chris was frozen. His heartbeat thumped in his ears, but Josh didn't seem to hear.
"What do we do?" Sam asked.
"Run out of here?" Mike replied.
Chris snapped around. "What about Josh?"
Mike stared at him incredulously. "What the fuck do you mean? He's gone. He's one of them."
Chris's tears ran harder. "We CAN'T leave him like this!"
Mike looked sympathetic. "Chris... We can't do anything about this."
Chris looked to Sam, but she just shook her head in defeat.
"We need to run, Chris."
Chris glared at them. "I came to find him. No matter what. I'm not leaving him again."
Mike reached for him, but Chris jumped back, and Mike's eyes widened in fear.
"What are you doing?!?!" Mike hissed.
Chris only took another step back, into the open. Josh's head turned to the rock they were behind.
Sam had tears in her eyes. "Chris! DON'T!"
Chris turned away from them, and walked out, in front of the rock.

Josh stared at Chris, turning to drag himself to him.
Chris began to run towards the back of the cave.
"GUYS! RUN!" Chris yelled.
Mike and Sam bolted, but stopped by the wooden wall to stare at him.
Josh unexpectedly had the energy to brave the pain in his ankle, as he suddenly leapt at Chris.
Chris ducked, and Josh landed on the rock behind him.
Chris began to run toward the doorway, shoving Sam and Mike out.
"CHRIS!" Sam yelled.
Chris turned just in time for a claw to catch his cheek. Josh shrieked and grabbed Chris by his jacket, shoving him against the wall.
Well, seems like this is it.
Chris stared at Josh.
"I'm so sorry, cochise."
And Chris closed his eyes, ready for his head to be torn from his shoulders or to feel his stomach be opened.
But that didn't happen.
The voice was worn, like he had a sore throat. But Chris opened his eyes.
The snarl was gone, and the demon that stared back at him looked less evil.
The hold on his jacket loosened, and Chris stared in awe.
His best friend was still there.
And then, with a scream of pain, his best friend had his legs swept out from under him and was held to the floor.

Not Lost Forever (Discontinued, Possible Re-write?)Where stories live. Discover now