Chapter 10- Honesty

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An hour had passed. Emily had left for work.
Chris was still laid out on his bed, questioning his whole reality.
Josh had flirted with him. That had happened.
Chris had no idea what to do.
He considered texting Mike or Sam, but decided against it. He felt his next actions should be entirely his own.
The house felt so hot, suffocating.
Chris needed to get out.
Go for a walk. Clear my head.
Chris rolled off of his bed, pushing through into the hallway.
Met by Josh, who had been about to enter the room.
"Oh... Hi?" Chris felt his voice waver.
"Hey, Chris. Where you off to?" Josh asked.
"Was gonna go on a walk. You?"
"I was gonna have a nap." Josh was so unbothered that Chris began to wonder if his day so far had been a dream.
"Ah. Well the bed's free for you, Cochise." Chris chuckled nervously.
Josh looked at Chris as if he was considering something.
"Well, don't wanna sleep alone." Josh tilted his head. "Can I join you?"
Chris nodded slowly. "Sure- theres woods near here, so close to edge of town. It's pretty cool." Chris felt like he was stumbling and spouting nonsense, but Josh smiled kindly and nodded. "Sounds good, Cochise. Lets go."
Chris let Josh borrow a pair of Chris's boots, taking a mental note that they really needed to get Josh clothes.
As they stepped out into a decently warm atmosphere, Chris glanced to Josh.
"When do you wanna go clothes shopping, dude? I'm gonna end up with nothing soon enough!" Chris joked.
Josh giggled. "I wouldn't mind that at all." His giggles turned into laughter at Chris's choked squeak of surprise.
They had reached the forest, leaves and sticks beneath their feet crackling as they stepped. Up ahead a small wooden bridge reached across a thin stream. Moss grew from the wood, and Chris wondered if it was stable. Josh rushed ahead, reaching the bridge and turning to stick his tounge out at Chris.
Giggling, Chris rushed over beside Josh. They stood, watching the stream run beneath them.
"Chris?" Josh's voice sounded softly, almost blanketed by the stream's trickling.
"Yeah?" Chris responded, voice gentle.
"I really need you to know that I... I'm really grateful you came back for me. I really didn't deserve it, after what I did. You weren't even part of that prank... You have every right to hate me. I wabt you to know you don't need to put up with me if you don't want to. I've caused so much pain and chaos in you and the other's lives. If you want me to, I can go back to my parents and leave you be. Please, just be honest with me, Chris." Josh stared into the water, refusing to make eye contact.
"Josh... I would never hate you. I'd never send you away. I just got you back from a mountain, Josh! No way am I getting rid of you now. I forgave you. The others forgive you. Emily adores you by the sounds of it! She's so glad to have you back, Josh. We all are." Chris budged up to Josh's side, placing a hand on his back. Josh looked at him, eyes glittering. "We are the happiest we've been since that night now that we have you back, Josh. We all care about you."
Josh sniffled, wiping tears away with his sleeve.
A moment of quiet passed before Josh spoke.
"I... Have another thing to say, Chris."
Chris pushed away worry. "Yeah?"
Josh inhaled deeply, before seemingly accepting whatever he was going to say.
"Chris... I love you. I know it seems sudden and odd, but its really not. I have loved you since I was old enough to know what love was. I know you don't feel the same, but I need you to know the truth. It's why I trust you so much. Its why your voice brought me back. I was so happy to see you again. You make me feel safe, and happy, and like I'm still a person rather than whatever the Hell it is I am instead. God, It feels so good to say it finally."
Josh's smile never changed, and Chris felt in awe of how Josh could be so brave, even if he thought Chris didn't like him back.
"...Josh? You think I don't feel the same? I thought you knew how to read me, dude!" Josh looked confused. "Josh! I feel the same! Have for ages! Since we were teens! I love you so much Josh how is it not obvious?"
Josh laughed, tears falling down his face. "Really? Chris are you serious?"
"YEAH! SERIOUS AS HELL DUDE!" Chris pulled Josh into a hug. "The most serious I've ever been, man. I love you so much."
Josh returned the hug, his laughing choked with tears, and Chris felt his own tears streak down his face. They chuckled madly at their own stupidity, in relief and pure joy.
"Woah. I feel light-headed." Josh giggled. "Can we head home?"
Chris scooped Josh up bridal style, laughing at the surprised chirp he made. "Lets go!"
Chris stumbled as they laughed. Eventually after nearly dropping Josh the fifth time, Josh jumped down. Chris began to run for the house, Josh taking after him and quickly catching up, chuckling as Chris tripped.
They fell back into their house, kicking their shoes off and racing to their room.
They calmed down when they sat beside eachother on the end of the bed.
"So... What does this mean?" Chris asked, heart pounding.
"I guess it means we could be boyfriends... If you want?" Josh grinned like that was something he had wanted to say forever.
"Hell yes!" Chris cheered, tackling Josh in a hug, both boys falling back onto the covers. Josh quickly rolled to lie over Chris, who blushed at their new position. Josh smiled at that.
"Wow, Chris." Josh teased.
"HEY! Thats not- ugh." Chris sighed in defeat. Josh's smile only widened, even extending slightly up his scarred cheek, which Chris realised he never did before.
"Dude. Sorry if this is weird but I just realised I haven't properly studied you." Chris realised how odd it sounded, But Josh just snorted in amusement.
"Go ahead. Promise not to bite."
Chris raised an eyebrow at him, which he returned with an innocent blink. Chris raised a hand to Josh's cheek, tracing the scars with his fingers. It was rough, and felt oddly strong. Chris remembered the bullet-proof skin of the creatures, and wondered if that was beginning to develop on his friend- well, boyfriend. He doubted Josh was still turning- the process had been described as alot quicker than this- but Chris's interest was piqued. He trailed down to Josh's mouth, tapping lightly at the teeth that stuck out. "Gotta look after these- no lips to protect them from damage." Josh giggled. "You should see the teeth inside. They're so weird." He opened his mouth. He lacked any normal teeth on his left side anymore. All of the teeth were jagged and dagger-like. He still had teeth to chew with, and bite with as they only seemed to change past his left canine, which had gotten longer.
"How would you chew with no human teeth left?" Chris asked, not expecting a response.
"Rip into pieces with claws. No need to chew..." Josh looked like he was remembering something, which very clearly upset him.
"Josh? What's wrong?" Chris pulled himself up, looking Josh in the eyes.
"... How many search teams came out to find me, Chris?"
"Around four- first two were quite small and the latter pair were larger- last one was seven I believe." Chris responded uncertainly.
Josh was quiet for a moment. "Did they come back?"
Chris felt his stomach drop, beginning to understand. "None... None of them cane back. Thats why we came to get you..."
Josh looked pale. "Chris... Chris I think they're dead. I think I killed them." Josh began to breathe heavily, stepping off the bed and backing into the corner beside the door. Chris slowly got up and followed.
Josh crumpled down onto the floor, and began sobbing. Chris rushed up in front of him, falling to his knees and gently taking him into a hug, which he accepted limply.
"I ate them, Chris! I killed and fucking ATE THEM!" He began to cough, and Chris pulled him up to his feet. "Josh? Josh are you alright?!"
Josh shuddered, gagging. "I think I'm gonna be sick, Cochise." His voice shook, and Chris helped him quickly to the bathroom.

After ten minutes of tears, hugs and comfort, Josh calmed down slightly.
"Josh. I need you to listen to me." Chris stroked his hair. "You aren't to blame for this. You didn't have control."
"I didn't eat you, Chris! I had enough control for that!"
"Thats different and you know that. You said so earlier. Josh, you didn't really do it. The demon did, and you've fought that off now."
Josh had no response, and just quietly cried into Chris's chest.
"Come on, Josh. Lets go lie down somewhere comfier than the bathroom floor." Chris murmured gently. Josh didn't move, so Chris gently lifted him up, carefully moving back to their room.
He laid Josh down, sitting beside him. Josh put his head in Chris's lap and Chris ran his hands through his hair.
"You're not to blame." Josh seemed to relax. "You're okay now."
Josh let himself smile again, soft and sad. "Thank you, Chris. I don't know if I can stop saying this now, but I love you." Josh looked up at Chris. "You're always there for me. Thank you."
"No problem, dude. I love you too." Chris smiled. Josh rolled over, lifting himself on his front arms. He studied Chris's face for a second. "Hang on while I figure out how to do this."
"Do what?" Chris asked. Josh didn't respond, leaning in to Chris's face and giving him an awkward kiss on the cheek with the better side of his mouth. It was quick and soft, but it left Chris in a complete stuttering mess. Josh giggled, lying back down and closing his eyes.
"You're cute." Josh's voice was warm, and he yawned.
"Says you. You PURR, Josh. It's fucking adorable." Chris retorted. Josh hummed, seeming to be falling asleep. Chris just smiled to himself as Josh began to snore.
Chris looked out the window at the trees, hearing the birds outside.
He was perfectly relaxed. It felt like this was where he was supposed to be.
Despite everything, I feel like myself now. Like I'm truly at home.

Chris looked up, and for a second he could've sworn that he saw the Stranger standing in the doorway, smiling at him. But with a blink, it was gone.
Chris felt at peace.

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