Chapter 7- Dream

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"So, whats the first thing you're doing when you get home?" Mike's voice carried through the cabin with a certain joy to it. Though it was around midnight, Sam, Mike and Chris were all still up, talking and laughing in the living room. Josh had actually been the one to go to bed.
"I plan on replaying Life Is Strange again." Sam chirped back. "Love it to death."
Chris rolled his eyes at her. "God, the way you go on about that game on the groupchat."
"What? It's a wonderful game."
Mike laughed at them. "I'm gonna eat pizza again. I already miss it."
"Its been like, only two days!" Chris teased.
"It'll be three tomorrow!" Mike retorted.
"What about you, Chris?" Sam asked.
"Oh- I don't actually know. I... Didn't think past taking Josh to the hospital." Chris admitted.
"Okay. After Josh has been to the doctor, what will you do?"
"Well. I guess hang out with him? I'll see if Em will let him in the apartment first." Chris chuckled anxiously.
Mike smiled. "She will. Though she might kill you first, Chris. You did just leave. I bet she's worried sick."
Oh god. I AM fucked.
Sam giggled. "It's okay Chris. Em loves you really." Mike nodded.
Chris smirked. "Speaking of LOVE, Samantha Giddings, we haven't been discussing your interest in Ashley enough. What do you say in your defense?"
Mike's eyes widened. "OH REALLY SAM?" He turned to Chris. "SAM LIKES ASH?"
Chris nodded, then put on the theatrics. "Truly hurtful, Sam. You know I liked her. Such betrayal from a fellow member of the women-appreciators club." He dramatically swung his head away in feigned disgust. "I can barely stand to see you!"
Mike cackled away, and Sam glared at Chris playfully.
"Oh really, Chris? I can believe you liked Ash, thats true enough. But really, is she who you wanted?"
Chris felt embarassment, Mike was now watching with interest. "He liked someone else?"
"Our good friend Mr. Hartley here had a massive crush on Joshua." Mike looked like something had clicked in his brain.
"SHHHH. Shut up guys!" Chris looked around in panic. "He's here and his hearing's good."
Sam suddenly looked curious. "Say, Chris. At what point did you stop loving Josh?"
Chris blushed.
"Uh- I- Don't know." Chris turned away from Sam, trying not to show his expression.
Mike's eyes lit with recognisation.
"Oh. My. God, Chris!"
"Shut up."
Sam caught on. "Oh wow."
"That's kinda sweet, actually."
Please kill me.
"NO! Its not! It makes my life difficult! I don't know what to make of my feelings right now. I never stopped... Loving... Him. But he's not the way I expected to find him. And I don't know if it's right to still feel this." Chris got nearly silent. "I just want my best friend to be okay right now."
Mike and Sam enveloped him in a hug.
"We are here for you, bro." Sam whispered.
"Yeah, man. We love you."
They let go, and Chris smiled. "Thanks, guys. Reminds me, I should probably go check on Josh."
"Good idea." Mike patted Chris on the back.
Chris rushed down the hall. Swinging around the corner, he saw Josh asleep in bed.
That was good.
However, he was quietly whimpering and crying, moving around.
That wasn't good.
Chris carefully moved to the side of the bed. "Hey, Josh."
Josh's eyes flickered open immediately at his name. He was crying, and squinted at Chris in the dark.
Chris shifted his weight, the small movement allowing Josh to make him out in the dark. "Cochise?"
"It's me." Chris waved at Josh, trying to allow him to see properly.
He thought demons were supposed to have good night vision.
Another thing we need to get him to a doctor for.
"Chris!" Josh launched himself at his friend, almost knocking him off his feet.
He hung off of Chris like a koala, squeezing tight.
"I had a dream you went away..."
"I'm still here." Chris reassured Josh. "And I'm going nowhere."
Josh purred. "Stay?" He whispered. "I... Don't sleep well by myself anymore."
Chris just placed Josh on the bed, climbing in beside him, sitting back against the headboard. Josh joined him, nuzzling into the side of Chris's neck.
"Thank you, Cochise." Josh murmured.
"Not a problem." Chris wrapped an arm tenatively around Josh's shoulder.
Josh didn't seem bothered, purring.
Chris felt his face get hot again.
How could I stop loving this dude?
Chris felt himself lean heavier onto Josh, his best friend's purrs lulling him to sleep. He didn't notice Sam and Mike briefly peering around the doorway, or the livingroom get quieter.
He only felt warmth.

Not Lost Forever (Discontinued, Possible Re-write?)Where stories live. Discover now