Chapter 8- Mt. Washington

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The cable car carried the group lazily down the mountain, chilling wind blowing into their faces and a slight dusting of snow landing on them. Chris was once again squished between Sam and Mike, as Josh was too fascinated with staring out the window at the lower located station. The sky was clouded, the sun slightly peering through every now and again, briefly lighting the mountain, and Chris realised this may likely be the last time he'd visit Blackwood Pines.
He didn't know how to feel about that. On one hand, he would never have to experience the horror of the mountain ever again, and he could begin to let go of the past.
On the other hand, he would miss group weekends and parties in the lodge, doing dumb shit and nobody there to tell them off.
He was truly leaving this time.

If anyone else was having the same realisation, they were keeping it to themselves. Mike looked forward, toward their destination, and perhaps watching Josh. Sam stared blankly out the window to her right, at mountains that faded out into the distance.
Chris wished he could read minds.

"We're nearly there." Josh seemed excited, though there was very clear anxiety in the way he glanced around, almost needing reassurance that he was allowed to leave this place.
Chris smiled. "Yeah, man. Almost outta here."
Sam frowned. "First we are going to the hospital for all of Josh's issues." Sam looked at Josh. "Do you have full control of yourself?"
"Well, yeah. Its getting easier now too. I don't think of eating you all as much."
Sam nodded. "Thats good for us. And the others. Once you're settled in, what do you think of the others coming to see you?"
Josh stared at Sam in pure confusion.
"Why would they want to see me?"
Mike, being quiet the whole time, interjected. "Dude, you are their friend as well. You may have fucked up majorly but they still care. I know Jess does, and Matt and Em!"
Chris nodded in agreement.
Sam smiled at Josh. "Ash misses you as well."
"No matter what you've done, you're still Josh. The friend who they think is dead. They're gonna be happy to know you're alive. I'm looking forward to getting into a place with signal and phoning everyone up."
Josh looked like he was going to cry. "I-I hadn't believed I'd see any of you guys again. And now I'm hearing that I was missed, and that I might get to talk to everyone again." He sniffled, wiping his eyes on the sleeve of his (Chris's) jumper.
Chris got up, treading carefully to sit with Josh. He ignored the way that Mike and Sam grinned at eachother, putting an arm around Josh, who leaned into him, gazing out of the window to Chris's left.

The cable car slowly moved into the station, the group jumping out onto the floor of the building. Sam wandered out, stopping to stare over the fence at the mountain again.
The rest of them joined her.
"Well, guess thats it. Bye, Blackwood." Sam smiled.
"Yeah. Never have to be here again. Feels weird." Mike agreed.
Josh gazed blankly for a moment.
"I guess it is the last time..." He took a good look at the mountain. "Goodbye, Hannah. Goodbye, Beth." He was almost whispering, and Chris could see that he was fighting tears. Chris placed a hand on his back.
"Come on." Chris gently began to lead Josh down the path to where the car had been parked, arm around his friend. Mike and Sam followed silently, but stayed close to Josh.
Sam unlocked it, hopping into the drivers seat, Mike climbing in beside her. Chris allowed Josh to climb into the back, getting in after him.
As the last door shut, Sam started up the car.
"Gonna put on music." She announced, connecting her phone to the car with a wire.
She tapped on her phone for a bit, hitting 'shuffle' and putting the phone down to begin backing out of the small space they parked in.
As Sam's favourite began to play, Mike turned to her.
"Whats this one again?"
"Mt. Washington by The Local Natives." She replied, smiling. Mike nodded, and they began to converse about music.
Chris glanced over to Josh, who stared out the window again as trees began to flick past faster and faster.
"Hey, buddy? You okay?" Chris asked. Josh turned to him, looking tired.
"I don't know right now, Cochise." He responded, not meeting Chris's gaze. "I don't know."
Chris opened his arms, and Josh took the invitation, leaning onto Chris yet again.
"I feel sick, Chris." Josh's voice wavered, and Chris worried. "I'm so disoriented right now. The past few days have been so much and now I'm going back to a normal place with normal people..."
"Shhhh... Just try get some sleep, Josh. You woke up early." Chris tried to comfort him, once again running his hand through his hair. Josh smiled.
"Ya know... Chris... I'm beginning to believe this amount of physical contact isn't very hetero of us."
Chris ignored how the car was suddenly the hottest place on the planet. He laughed nervously. "Totally hetero, bro."
"Mhmmm..." Josh hummed skeptically as he began to fall asleep. Chris noticed Sam and Mike were quietly trying to stifle their laughter in the front.
They know wayyy too much. Damn I'm so screwed.
Chris glanced back down at Josh again, who was softly snoring, and didn't really care that he was screwed.
I'm happy here right now.

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