Chapter 5- What Would I Have Given

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Their snacks finished, the group sat around the fire, speaking to Josh, who seemed confused by the sudden positive attention.
Chris watched as Josh spoke back in his limited ways- nods, chirps, hisses, grumbles and even the odd word. Most of the questions were just about what he remembered, which he seemed happy enough to respond to, but Chris could tell by half an hour in, Josh was tired. He was slumping into the couch, letting out the odd yawn. Chris decided he needed sleep.
"Hey, guys, I'm going to get Josh to sleep." Chris told Mike and Sam.
"Yeah, sure. Let him have the bed. He needs it." Mike said the last part while giving a sympathetic wince at Josh's ankle. Sam had asked about that, and Josh's response had been 'fell'.
Chris grabbed his bag, and helped Josh up, supporting him to the hallway and down.
They turned into the bedroom, and Chris let Josh sit on the bed, while he dug through his bag. He pulled out his extra toothbrush.
And I had thought bringing this for him was pointless.
Chris walked over to Josh, helping him up and into the on-suite bathroom.
Mike had taped the blinds shut over the open window.
"Do you remember how to brush your teeth?" Chris asked Josh.
Josh nodded, to Chris's surprise, and let Chris put toothpaste on his brush. Chris followed this action soon after, and they both brushed their teeth in silence.

After that, Josh returned to the bed. Chris pulled some PJ's out of his bag- an old black shirt and jogger-like pants- and threw them to Josh.
"Those be okay for you, cochise?"
Josh chirped, and Chris grabbed his own blue PJ's and wandered through to the bathroom to change.
When he returned back through, Josh sat on the bed, in PJ's that swallowed him. Chris faltered in his steps for a moment.
Chris remembered a time where he would have been a mess over Josh in his baggy PJ's, but Chris in the present kept himself together.
This wasn't the same as then.
"All good?" Chris asked.
Josh nodded, looking thankful.
Chris wandered over to the door, ready to leave Josh in peace, but Josh threw himself off of the bed to grasp at Chris's shirt.
"What's wrong?" Chris failed to hide his concern.
"Don't-" Josh paused, and when he spoke again, it was purely his voice. "Don't leave."
Chris paused for a moment, then gave in. "Okay. I'll just say to Sam and Mike, if that's okay?"
Josh hesitated, then nodded.
Chris smiled at him. "I'll be two seconds."
Chris rushed down the hall to the front of the cabin.
"Josh wants me to stay with him. Could you guys come check on me every now and again? Just in case?"
Sam and Mike exchanged a worried look, then agreed. "Sure. Thats fine."
"Thanks, guys." Chris grinned at them, then turned back down the hallway to the bedroom.
Josh sat on the edge of the bed, looking relieved when Chris reappeared.
God that's really sad. He thinks we'll just disappear on him again.
Josh motioned for Chris to sit on the bed with him, which Chris obliged. As soon as Chris met the bed, Josh was clinging to him like he would die if he let go.
Chris lay down Josh's head once again buried in his chest.
"You'd be warmer under the covers, ya know?" Chris informed him, a slight teasing tone to his voice. Josh twisted to look up at him.
"Only if you come with me." His voice was quiet, like his voice was lost, but it was his. Though his smirk was teasing, his eyes betrayed anxiety and desperation.
"O-Okay." Chris replied.
They shuffled under the blankets, head on the soft pillows, and Josh once again cuddled into Chris, arm laid over his stomach. Chris began to question his reality. This was beginning to feel like one of his old dreams. He brought his hand up behind Josh's head, and began to run his hand through Josh's hair.
He didn't expect Josh to purr like a cat, but it was a welcome amusement for Chris.

Within minutes, Josh was completely out. Chris wondered when he had last had a good sleep in a comfy, warm spot.
Chris doubted it had been only a short while before.
Chris felt himself begin to drift off, which he hadn't expected at all. He was surprised he didn't feel even slightly wary of Josh. In fact, he felt calm and warm and even safe.
As Josh's rhythmic purring continued, Chris felt himself be lulled into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When Chris awoke again, it was still dark. The water was running in the bathroom.
He guessed Sam or Mike were showering.
Josh was still completely unconscious, softly snoring against Chris's chest.
When you wake up, bro, I am so going to make fun of you for this.
The shower stopped, and a few seconds later Sam emerged in a towel, trying ti creep quietly through. Chris waved at her and she realised he was awake.
"Hey Sam. Have a nice shower?" Chris asked.
"It was surprisingly pleasant, despite the window letting the breeze in." She shuddered.
"Good to know." Chris replied absently, suddenly focused on how Josh stirred for a moment, then settled again.
When he looked back at Sam, she was grinning and he knew he was in for it.
"So hows cuddle time, Christopher?" She questioned.
"He's the one who wanted it!" Chris hissed back. "How can I deny him? After everything..."
Sam's smile softened.
"You know its not your fault, right? There was nothing anyone could do. We all thought he was gone, and for good reason." Sam sighed. "Which reminds me, when you get up, we have to talk without Josh in the room. Mike is very upset by your actions in the mines and we're worried about you, Chris."
Chris felt shitty for that now.
But he had said that he wasn't going to leave without Josh.
Not worth arguing.
"Okay, Sam. Thank you." He answered.
"No problem." She let her smirk become evil again. "Have a good night with your bestie."
She scurried out of the room before Chris could defend himself.
No fair.
Chris began to fall asleep again, but was awoke when Josh jerked awake, his breathing frantic. Chris was inmediately up trying to confort him.
"Hey, its alright!" Chris pulled Josh into a hug. "You're fine, buddy."
Josh began to calm.
They sat for a few minutes like that, then to Chris's surprise (and dismay), Josh slid out of bed and began to explore the room.
Chris winced at his best friend's limping. They needed to check on that as soon as they got the chance.
"Hey Josh? What are you doing?" Chris asked as Josh stood in the middle of the room and stared at the ceiling light.
There was no answer.
"Can I have a look at your ankle?"
Josh swung around to stare at Chris skeptically.
"What?" Chris laughed nervously.
"Don't want that." Josh muttered.
"Why though?" Chris asked.
Josh looked thoughtful, then spoke again. "Can't really be bothered."
Fair enough I guess.
Before Chris came up with a reply, Josh turned to the bathroom.
"I want water."
Chris just left him to his own devices, lying back down to try nap some more.
That didn't happen though, as Josh took the oppurtunity of not being watched to launch himself onto the bed and startle Chris.
"OKAY FINE I'M UP!" Chris grumpily gave in to a suddenly energetic Josh's wishes.
Josh quietly giggled.
Chris stepped out of bed and followed Josh as he rushed down the hall excitedly.
Mike lay asleep on the couch, and Sam sat awake at the table. She looked up at the pair, looking vaguely surprised.
"Josh was just completely knocked out. Why are you two up?"
"I wonder the same thing." Chris yawned.
"Because its time! To be awake!" Josh hissed. Sam looked shocked.
"That's the most I've heard him speak so far."
Chris shrugged. "He's been quite talkative after our nap." Chris eyed Josh uncertainly. "Why is it time to be awake, exactly?"
Josh rolled his eyes at Chris. "This is always when I get up now."
Oh. He's nocturnal now. Forgot about that.
Sam seemed to have the same realisation. "I think we need to try fix his sleep schedule." Josh looked betrayed when Chris nodded in agreement.
"I'm going back to bed, Josh." Chris told the demon, who looked disappointed.
"You aren't going to come outside with me?"
THAT stopped Chris in his tracks.
"Nobody is going outside, Josh. Not at night on a freezing mountain." Chris stated firmly.
Josh looked offended. "What do you think will happen?"
"Well, for one we could all DIE, Josh!"
"Why do you think that?"
"Because this mountain is full of dangerous creatures! Things that won't hesitate to rip us apart! Especially at night, Josh!"
Josh flinched. "You're talking about my kind, aren't you?" He didn't allow Chris to answer. "That's why we need to go outside! The rest need to see that I'm here and that they can't get you guys!"
"That's too risky, Josh." Sam chipped in, gently adding; "I know you are trying to keep us safe, but it's not worth the danger."
Josh didn't have it in him to argue it seemed. He just droopily brushed past Chris back down the hallway. Chris looked at Sam and she just shrugged. Sighing, Chris headed back to the room again.
Upon entering, Josh was back in bed. He lay facing away from Chris.
"Hey- Cochise? Can I go to bed as well?"
Josh just budged over, huffing as a reply.
Chris climbed into bed. "Dude, I'm sorry that we didn't let you do whatever it was you wanted to do. We just worry that you'll be at risk again."
Josh rolled to face Chris, and didn't respond as he shuffled into Chris's side again. He felt so cold, even after being indoors for hours.
Chris stroked his hair again, and quickly Josh was asleep again.

What I would have given for this before.

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