Chapter 6- Tomorrow

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When Chris awoke again, light was shining in from the bathroom window. Josh was still asleep, but had rolled away from Chris in his sleep.
That'll make sneaking into the front room easier.
Gently twisting his hips, Chris fell softly out of bed. He paused for a moment, but Josh hadn't woken up.
Chris tiptoed out into the hallway, and into the living room. Sam had fallen asleep at the table and Mike had barely moved from his spot on the couch.
Chris wandered over to Mike, leaning down and shaking him awake.
"Huh? Oh hey, man." Mike rubbed his eyes, yawning.
"Nice to know that neither of you were awake when I was sharing a bed with a cannibal." Chris complained, feigning hurt. Mike sat up.
"Oh god yeah. Sorry, bro. That was a dumbass move." Mike apologised.
"It's fine, man." Chris smiled. "I don't think Josh wants to eat me, lucky for you."
Mike laughed back.
After a comfortable pause of silence, Mike got serious.
"Chris, dude, we need to talk about yesterday in the mines."
Oh great.
"Okay." Was all Chris could muster.
"Me and Sam are worried about you. You basically threw yourself into the jaws of a demon! You nearly died!" Chris felt terrible at the despair that leaked into Mike's words.
Mike was never the kind to show his emotions like this. The fact that he was showed Chris that he was very concerned.
"My question is why, Chris? That was a stupid thing to do- A me thing to do, which shows how dumb it is- and I know you're smarter than that! So be honest."
Chris took in a deep breath. The fresh, cold mountain air filled his lungs. He prepared himself.
"I thought that we were just going to run and leave Josh there. I couldn't do that, Mike. If It meant I had to die, then I was ready to accept that. I made that promise to myself when I came back here! I couldn't live like how I was anymore, Mike, I was just... I felt so guilty. I abandoned him."
Chris could feel his eyes pricking with tears, but ignored it.
Mike looked shocked, ill, even. He reached out for Chris and took him into a hug.
A gesture Chris did NOT expect from Mike freaking Munroe.
"Chris... How long have you been feeling like that?"
"Ever since we escaped here! Every day I just thought of Josh and what I did to him. I thought he was DEAD, Mike, that we left him to freeze in a mine full of monsters while he couldn't even tell what was going on! I despised myself- I still do, Mike! He may not be dead but look at what happened!" Chris broke down into tears, Mike patting his back and sitting them both on the couch.

"Chris. None of that was your fault. Nobody blames you. You're not even to blame for the entire situation in the first place! None of that was your fault. Nobody thinks so."

"How do you know that?" Chris sniffled.

Mike gave a genuine smile. "Well, I've kept in touch with everyone, for a start, and at one point or another, they've only spoke well of you. Like, Em says that you were probably the nicest person out of all of us that night. Everyone else were at eachothers throats. Well, aside from Sam, who was in a bath for most of the night, but that aside, you are the LEAST to blame for any of this. Heck, you were the one who went back for Josh when you found out about the terrifying demons! Josh doesn't blame you, Chris. I can tell."

"How do you know that, Mike? Josh barely has anything to say."

Mike looked at Chris like the answer was obvious. "Chris, you're the one who snapped him out of his weird 'eat everyone' state. And the fact hes been glued to you since then."
That was true, Chris reasoned.
"I guess so, yeah."
Mike grinned. "Yeah! Thats better!"
"Thanks, bro." Chris high-fived Mike.
"Anytime, man. Kills me to know you felt like that." The kindness was replaced with a smirk. "Now, I'd make your way back to the dude who apparently blames you. You know, the one sleeping in the same bed all cuddled up to you? He won't like that you got up without him."
Chris flipped Mike off, who laughed.

Back in the bedroom, Josh still lay asleep, back again to the door. Chris did his best to sneak back in, and his head gently fell into the pillow.
"Chris? What was going on?"
Absolute fucking failure!
"Oh, just had to check on Mike and Sam." Chris lied.
"I heard all that... About you blaming yourself." Josh rolled around to face Chris. Chris was shocked by the tears that sparkled in Josh's eyes. "You would have let yourself die, Chris?"
Chris opened his mouth, but couldn't find words.
Josh pulled himself to Chris, burying his face in Chris's collarbone. "Please don't do anything like that again. I- I can't lose you again, Chris."
"Josh, you won't lose me, okay? Never."
Josh stared at him tearfully. "Promise?"
"I promise." Chris patted Josh's back. "Now, I wanna go for a shower. See ya in a bit?"
Josh hesitantly nodded. Chris gave him a thumbs up and wandered through to the bathroom.

Not Lost Forever (Discontinued, Possible Re-write?)Where stories live. Discover now