Chapter 11- Forests

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The next morning, Emily had asked if Matt, Jess and Mike could come over after she was back from work.
Josh had been fine with this, but Chris could see that he was worried.
Josh had spent the last 20 minutes pacing back and forth between the kitchen and livingroom while Chris sat in the livingroom with his toast and coffee.
"You know its gonna be fine, dude?" Chris eventually asked.
"No, Chris, I don't! I've not spoke to Matt or Jess and Jess nearly fucking died because of me! WHY WOULD THIS BE OKAY?!" Josh snapped, then, looking regretful, tumbled into a heap on the couch. "Sorry, Chris..."
Chris pulled Josh over to him, cuddling him. "No worries. But I do think that it'll be okay. Jess is quite chilled out and Matt is pretty understanding. And they're aware you're here. If they didn't wanna see you, they wouldn't have agreed to come!"
A bit of the tension left Josh, and he fell against Chris. "I guess thats true..." Josh yawned.
Chris chuckled quietly. "You tired?"
"Yeah. I'm supposed to be nocturnal now remember? I can sleep all I want at night and it doesn't change anything." Josh closed his eyes, putting more weight against Chris. "Might nap."
"You do know theres a perfectly good bed down the hall?" Chris commented.
"Does it have you in it?"
"Not right now, no."
Josh smiled. "Don't want it, then."
Chris sighed, accepting his fate. He pulled out his phone and began to mindlessly scroll through his social medias.
"When do I go see my parents, Chris?" Josh murmured eventually.
"Whenever you feel ready. They love you, Josh. They understand you need a little bit of time."
Josh sighed. "I feel a bit shitty, Chris. But I just can't bring myself to see them." Then, Josh growled. "Not that I'd likely see my dad anyway."
Chris was confused. "What do you mean?"
"He was never there. I mean, he used to be but then he got busy. Even after Hannah and Beth went missing, he was never there." Tears began to sparkle in his eyes. "I doubt he'll be there now."
Chris was taken aback. "I'm sure he will be. You were missing. Everyone thought you were dead."
"It was the same with my sisters. And he wasn't there." Josh looked more sad than angry. But Chris could see that he felt like his family had been betrayed by his father.
"He'll be there. He has to be." Chris insisted.
"We'll see." Josh's tone make Chris wonder if he was right.
You would HAVE to be there for your only remaining child reuniting with his family.
Chris hoped that he was right.
"Can we set a date for when they're next here? They stay in Calgary often. Not far from here."
Chris nodded. "Definitely. I'll call later. You can talk if you want?"
Josh looked unsure. "Maybe? I don't know. Its scary."
Chris nodded, understanding. "Whatever you feel at the time, Josh."
"Thanks." Josh nuzzled into Chris's neck and purred.
"You can make so many weird noises." Chris said in wonder. Josh sat up and smiled.
"You don't know the half of it! Listen to this!" Josh cleared his throat, then spoke. " Chris! Could you make me a coffee while you're at it?"
Chris sat, shocked. Josh had just spoken in Em's voice.
"How the fuck?..."
"Didn't you know? I have mimicry." Chris's own voice informed him.
Holy shit this is so fucking creepy.
"I have never been so weirded out by a voice before. What the fuck." Chris felt a sudden chill go down his spine when he realised.
Ash heard Jess in the mines, but Jess swore it wasn't her.
"Holy fucking shit. Josh. This is scary as fuck. Ashley heard Jess in the mines at one point but Jess says she never called for help, nor was ever in the place Ash heard her from." Chris shuddered.
Josh looked disturbed. "It... Was probably a demon like me, then." Josh shivered. "Be glad she didn't investigate."
Chris continued to get scared, though, as the realisation crept through his brain. They had been so close to death that night, and now he was learning that they nearly died even more times than he realised.
"Chris? Are you okay?" Chris couldn't speak. The memory of that night began to push its way into his head, and he couldn't fight it off at all. The creature had been so close to him. It was so close to killing him. And it had been close even when he thought they were safe.
He looked around, suddenly uncomfortable with the open blinds, unable to reason with himself about their distance from the mountain or the fact they didn't hunt at day.
"Chris? Chris you okay?" Chris snapped out of his thoughts to see Josh staring him in the eyes, both hands gently rested on Chris's shoulders as he stood in front of him.
"Y-yeah. Just... Freaked out by the whole voice thing is all... Just knowing we weren't safe even when we believed we were is kinda making me feel afraid." Chris glanced out of the window again, Josh followed his gaze, and wandered over to the window, pulling the blinds shut. He turned back to Chris. "That better?"
Chris smiled. "Yeah. Thanks."
Josh climbed back onto the couch and crawled into Chris's lap, purring.
Chris went back to scrolling on his phone, smiling as Josh fell asleep on him.
An hour or so went past before Josh stretched, pushing himself back up into a sitting position. "Mornin'" He yawned. Chris laughed. "Yep. Twelve in the morning now."
Josh sighed. "I hate my sleep schedule."
Chris put his phone down. "Wanna go for a walk in the woods?"
Josh considered for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah. As long as we go a bit deeper into them. I wanna see the actual forest, not just the pathways."
"Sure. Just lemme put these dishes in the washer and we'll head out." Chris felt like he was talking to himself as Josh sprinted down the hallway to get his shoes, barely listening. Chris soon followed, finding Josh waiting patiently beside the door, shoes on. Chris got his boots on, and the pair left the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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