An It Harm None, Do As Ye Will.

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The freedom we currently have is exhilarating, i am happier, Cole is like a teenager. The boys are that content, i finally realised that we shouldn't have vanquished Cole all those years ago. I should've let the wizard take his powers, i should've made the wizard kill the seer with the sources powers, but here we are now, it's amazing.

Piper hardly calls anymore, Paige also, it's like when i was queen of the underworld, but this time i really don't care. Our family is the most important. The power of three is truly over, the kids can take over now.

Instead of living close to Elizabeth and Benjamin, Cole and i bought a house up in The Adirondacks, keeping our home in the NYC suburbs. The house we stayed in with Elizabeth and Benjamin made me realise that myself and the boys enjoyed the outdoors, the scenery, Schroon Lake, the moose, the bears, the wake up call of the loons. It's beautiful. I'm done with big cities, family drama, saving people and putting my life and happiness on hold for the sake of a Wiccan legacy.

Cole said he would commute to work, the days when we were snowed in, he would work from home. I had to make another decision, was i going to keep my column? I don't have the time for it. The boys are a full time job, yes I'm more energetic, I'll get bored often but I'm happy.

I was putting the boys to bed one evening, Prue came to visit, she told me that i made a great decision for myself and my family. If Prue was alive, she wouldn't ever have said that, but she seen how much demon fighting took over our lives. If only Piper and Paige realised this too, they're too afraid of allowing the kids to take over. We have no idea what powers the twins will have, even though one or both sent a premonition, nor do i want to know. It was living in bliss, when i was at my most happiest.

My sisters and i never knew we were witches, Grams bound our powers, sometimes i wish she didn't die and we didn't get them, but if she didn't, i would never have met Cole, i would be still living in New York and probably still a waitress in The Rainbow Rooms. It was then i had a radical idea, one that Cole even suggested was mad.

I wanted Prue back, permanently. I have seen necromancy at work before, but we knew that the subject would need to want it for themselves? Would Prue want it?

Prue sensed this and came in, she said, "sis, if you could bring Andy back too, we would have a life that we both wanted?"

I asked Prue, "is Andy with you? Has he ever wanted it?"

Prue replied, "we are together, it's something he says frequently, especially since you and Cole gave it another chance. I'll talk to him."

I told Cole and he was supportive of it, but he feels that Prue won't come back if Andy doesn't want to. I knew he was right, she loves him so much.

Prue returned several hours later, she whispered, "it's a go, he definitely wants to come back, but we can't go back to San Francisco."

Elizabeth gifted me her grimoire, it wasn't all dark magic, but there was a spell to bring them back, but the problem was it would need to be supported by the entire Warren lineage.

We called on Grams, she said, "if that's what they both want, then we have no issue. Prue and Andy deserve a second chance too."

I hadn't heard of some of the ingredients, i called Elizabeth for some advice.

Elizabeth informed me, "Phoebe, you won't get those ingredients up there, unless you trek into the wilderness, but if you want, I'll find them and overnight them to you."

I decided it would be good exercise, that Cole and i, take the boys for a trek to collect the ingredients. Cole can't believe that I'm going to raise Prue and Andy from the dead. Cole and i got the boys ready, we put them in their baby carriers, we trekked to the location Elizabeth told me to look, and voila the things we needed were right there. I reached down and picked up the herbs and flowers, placed them in the little bags we brought and trekked back to the house.

I looked at the grimoire, the potion was a tough one, the incantation was in Latin, i didn't understand Latin. Cole of course was fluent, as he was in many languages, as a demon he could speak in any language. Cole translated the incantation, we both bathed and fed the boys and began on making the potion and we hope that it works. It's my first big spell as a solitary practitioner. The potion was brewing, Cole translated the incantation, i followed Elizabeth's instructions to the letter. I had to light a bonfire, the moon needed to be in its first phase and it was, i threw the potion into the fire and said the incantation, it looked like it didn't work. We waited and waited and then like a birth from the ceiling, my big sister Prue and Andy were lying on the floor of our front room.

I ran to Prue, I hugged her, i hugged Andy. It was crazy, my sister that has been dead for over twenty years, was stood there looking crazy.

Prue said, "wow Phoebe's that spell truly packed a punch."

Cole held his hand out to Andy and they both greeted each other.

Prue hugged Cole and said, "congratulations, I've been watching you for so long, i never expected to see you both back together, you know i never truly trusted you, i didn't dislike you either, but you make my sister happy and that's all that matters to me."

Prue had just finished saying what she needed to say and Leo orbed in, he said, "Phoebe this is the final straw, you'll be having your powers removed. You have brought two people long dead back to life. How are you expected to explain this?"

Prue said, "Leo for once shut that self righteous hole in your face. This was what Andy and i have wanted for a long time. You or the Elders can't take away Phoebe's powers, she's a natural born witch, more powerful than Wiccan witches, in fact, Wiccans are not witches Leo. They're a cheap imitation of the real thing. I'm a witch, not Wiccan either, it was a legacy forced upon us. We will use our powers for good as always. So, run back and tell those idiots in robes to steer clear of us. Grams and the entire Halliwell line agreed. Also tell Piper I'm back, also tell Paige I'd like to meet her, in real life this time, I've a few choice words for that manipulative bitch. Ok thanks, bye."

Leo orbed out, it was crazy to hear Prue speak this way, but she was right. Wiccan rules kept not just me oppressed, but Piper and Paige too, they needed to hear the truth. If they don't listen, that's up to them. We will offer them an out, once they realise they don't need the Elders. Piper will be worried about losing Leo.

Prue explained, "that he's been on earth living as a human for too long now, they'll either make him human again, or Piper will stick to "an it harm none, do as ye will." Time will tell i guess?

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