The divorce - Frerard

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Gerard was seated, agitation clear in his actions as he tapped his feet against the sea blue tiled floor. The sound of shuffled feet being dragged against the floor echoed through the house making him snap his head towards the source of the sound. Coming down from the stairs, a long jet black haired man lazily approached the living room area; there he was the reason for the gathering.
"Thank you for gracing us with your presence" he spat each word drenched in sarcasm. The dark haired man shot him a toothy grin ignoring the sarcasm "could you walk any slower" Gerard barked again which Frank still ignored continuing in his former pace.
"Ray, Mikey" Frank addressed the suited men seated across his husband as he took a seat beside him on a love couch "why are you guys here?" he added and without waiting for a reply, turned to the bright red haired man beside him "why did you call them?"
"If you shut up long enough then maybe you'll find out" Gerard replied through gritted teeth to which Frank replied with a sigh, crossing his right leg over the left then turned to the suited men.
"So what's up guys" Mikey spoke up his voice coming out a little exited than he intended, which he immediately blamed on the fact that he was excited for his first job since he became a divorce attorney, don't get him wrong it's not like he's got his briefcase lock and loaded excited to go break up families, he of course is supposed to try help them resolve their problems like the civilized people they are (or should be in some cases), but when one or both couple decides they couldn't take it anymore, of couse he would be happy to hand them the papers to sign. So really, he's helping reduce the rate of murder by ensuring two people who hate each other don't sleep under the same roof and bound by vows.
"Gerard?" the lanky blonde haired man pressed on where as his afro haired colleague sank into the sofa with a bored expression across his face, twisting his brown curly hair with his index finger.
"I want a divorce" Gerard blurted out.
"Ha! Good one" his husband dryly replied deadpan still picking at his black painted nails.
"Why do you want a divorce?" Ray asked. The bored expression still etched on his face. The brown afro lawyer had known Gerard and Frances since middle school which is more than long enough periods of years to realize how overly dramatic Gerard can be.
"Frank is cheating" he automatically replied pointing a finger at the accused.
"Get that finger away from me" he snapped swatting the pale porcelain finger pointed at him
"Alright Gerard" Ray sat up with a sigh getting interested "that's a wild accusation right there"
"You don't see him denying it do you? Besides how could he when I caught him red-handed" he replied with a cocky smile gaining an eye roll from his wife.
"I can't believe you called them for this" Frank muttered shaking his head in disbelief.
"Frank is this true?" Mikey asked with deep furrowed brows.
"Look Mike you don't underst-"
"Don't call me that" he cut him off because he might not hate the name, but Gerard is right he isn't denying so he has lost the right to address him like that.
"I - wh - this is ridiculous" he snapped shooting up from his seated position to tower over his husband.
"Answer the question Frakie" Gerard stood as well in turn towering over him the cocky smile still plastered on his face.
"Gee it's not my fault and you know that" he intentionally used his 'special' nick name giving him a pleading look to which Gerard rolled his eyes "I can't help it okay" he snapped in frustration at the other men in the room resisting pulling at his hair mostly caused he just had it properly washed and treated two days ago.
"Oh really?" asked Mikey folding his arms across his chest
"Well in case you are all blind, I'm pregnant - very pregnant" he pointed at his visibly huge stomach concealed by an oversized blue Mickey Mouse hooded sweater.
"So?" Ray found himself asking because how does that justify his cheating.
"Are you kidding me right now" he glared at the men in the room. Gerard had his arms crossed across his chest with the cocky smile that seemed to be permanently etched on his face, Mikey mimicking his brother's crossed arm while shooting daggers at his in-law and Ray sat wide eyed, his brows threatening to merge with his afro.
"I am surrounded by idiots" Frank gave out a dry laugh in disbelief "do your research, pregnancy comes with cravings. Some more disturbing and disgusting than others" he slowly concluded matter-of-factly as though he were talking to children as he took her seat.
"So what, cravings your husband can't satisfy?" Mikey snapped feeling defensive for his brother.
"Obviously" he stated giving him a weird look.
"Excuse you" Mikey raised a challenging brow dragging out the first word
"Look Frank your pregnancy isn't an excuse to go about-"
"Ray what are you doing" Frank cut him off "you're supposed to be on my side" he glared at him.
"Yes but you're on the wrong here Frank and-"
"And it shouldn't matter to you cause you're my goddamn lawyer" he pointed an accusing finger at him.
"But you're both very good friends of mine-"
"Ugh" he groaned waving a dismissal hand at Ray turning to his husband "please Gee why are you doing this?" he asked looking up at Gerard with hazel puppy eyes and pouted lips which gradually morphed into a broad knowing smile when he recognized the pair of dilated eyes staring back at him
"Oh so now you're ready to-" Gerard paused his gloating when he noticed the growing smirk on Frank's face "why are you smiling?" he stuttered suddenly feeling exposed under his gaze gradually taking his seat.
"Oh I see what's going on" Frank noted with a nod "you're frustrated" he added leaning in close to him "sexually frustrated" he stated with a broad victorious smile and a pair of peering eyes daring him to deny it.
"Who wouldn't be" Ray scoffed making Mikey shoot him a dirty look.
"Well of course" Frank hollered a bitter laugh flailing his arms feeling defeated "you all think alike. When it comes to common sense, logical thinking and what's between your legs, you all go ahead and side with your dicks"
"Hello?" Mikey dragged ready to bring on the sass "if anyone here is thinking with the organs between their legs it's you" making Frank mumble a 'what' and his brother to give him a weird look "I mean" he continued choosing to ignore Frank's glare "since you'd rather go satisfy your cravings with someone other than the person you are legally married to"
"Someone?" Frank turned to his husband. He was honestly confused
"You did just admit to er- having an extra marital affair?" Ray's reply coming off as a question
"What the fuck" he exclaimed same time Gerard replied
"No he isn't" then turned to his husband "right?"
"What the - of course not" Frank seethed
"Okay Gerard now I'm lost" Mikey threw his hands in surrender
"Yeah what have we or rather you two been talking about this whole time?" asked Ray.
"Ugh!" the red haired groaned "follow me" he motioned to the kitchen as he got up and headed there while the others trailed behind.
"Still can't believe you called them over this" murmured Frank raking his heavily tattooed hand through his hair
"Well it matters to me" Gerard argued back
"We are here. Now what" Mikey asked as his brother positioned himself in front of a row of cabinets.
"You guys in the law department work with evidence right?" Gerard confidently replied.
"Yeah?" Ray nodded his hair bouncing in agreement.
"Well feast your eyes on solid evidence" he opened on the cabinets revealing two columns one of which held various cereals and the second half, cans of coffee.
"You're lucky that the only thing I crave" said Frank siting himself on the breakfast bar, gaining a glare from his husband.
"What exactly are we looking at?" Ray whispered to Mikey hoping he would understand his brother's reference.
"Breakfast cabinet?" he whispered back
"Yeah but what does that have to do with anything?"
"Gerard what the hell are we looking at?" Mikey blurted out no longer having time for whatever his brother was playing at.
Without replying, the red haired reached into the left side of the cabinet and drew out a box of cereal shaking it, creating a rattling noise "half full".
"Half empty" Frank corrected gaining another glare; He's been getting a lot today.
He picked out a second and shook it creating a softer noise and went ahead to show the suited men the sealed package. "untouched" he stated moving to the right cabinet drawing out a can of coffee beans, shaking it and his eyes going wide when no sound was heard "empty, really Frank?" he yelled making her roll him eyes "would it kill you to throw out the empty can?". He drew out the second can shaking it resulting in a loud rattling noise "now this is half empty" he emphasized giving his husband a look going on to do same to the next can also resulting in a loud rattling noise "half empty - again, wow okay this is just - lawlessness" he commented going on to shake the next one "okay this one is full" he closed up and turned to the people behind him with a smug smile on his face. Both suited men staring back with puzzled expressions.
"Okay so one of you is a caffeine addict while the other has a sweet tooth, what do we care?" Ray snapped tired of the red haired beating round the bush.
"Frank is cheating" Gerard replied like it should be obvious. He grunted when the attorneys stared back at him blankly and somewhat annoyed "we have a system okay. She has her cancer packaged meal A.K.A the cereals and I have my coffee" he slowly explained "which I would be happy to share if he asked rather than stealing it behind my back"
"You would rather shave your hair than share your coffee you caffeine addict" Mikey interjected.
"It's not stealing if I brew it and drink it in your presence" He replied in a tired tone "or if I drink the one you brew yourself"
"So he has been cheating the working system we have had for three years" Gerard concluded ignoring both comments.
"Oh my God" Mikey pinched the bridge of his nose.
"What the hell Gerard" Ray heaved a tired sigh "this is too dramatic even for you"
"What? He is cheating and I just showed you proof and you definitely didn't hear him deny it once"
"Dude he is pregnant"
"No shit Sherlock. I'm not fucking blind" he snapped pulling at his bright red hair "how does that justify his cheating-"
"Stop calling it that" Mikey cut in
"- stealing my coffee which he has stated on more than enough occasions that he hates"
"It's the baby you dumbass. Pregnant people have craving for odd things, some more disturbing than others"
"Oh so now you agree with me" exclaimed Frank giving his attorney a look
"We were not on the same page then" Rah replied with an apologetic smile.
"Why, Gerard, why?"
"What?" he scrawled at his brother
"Why call us over for this?"
The red haired paused as if considering the question before he turned to Ray ignoring his brother "how long do I have to endure his new thieving attitude?"
"You tell me" he shrugged making the red haired creased his brows in confusion "how old is the pregnancy" he clarified with an exasperated sigh
"20 weeks" he automatically replied
"Now do the math Gerard"
"16 weeks" he exclaimed after a quick calculation in his head "I have to cope with this unfairness for 16 weeks? What the hell"
"er Gerard is this really about coffee?" asked Mikey
"Of course not" spoke Frank coming down from the breakfast bar and walked to his husband, cupping his face in her hands and loudly whispered to him "we both know there are ways to have you moaning like a whore without actually having sex" he raised a brow giving him a smirk. The red haired reciprocated the smile with eyes glimmering like a child on Christmas morning but immediately furrowed his brows when a though occurred to him
"All this just cause you're sexually starved?" Ray muttered as he face palmed.
"But you're all big and stuff" he frantically gestured at her huge stomach
"Gerard Arthur Way" he snapped "don't make me change my mind" he crossed her arms"
"No" he protested holding his arms "I'm just worried about the baby since you'll be bending-"
"Ew Gerard" Ray snapped. Frank rolled his eyes leaning in and whispering in his husband's ear making his eyes bulging saucer wide by the second.
"Fuck" his voice came out like a raspy moan as she leaned back giving him a sly smile "well I'll be c-"
"Oh come on man we don't wanna hear about that" Ray cut him off his face scrunched in disgust
"Christ Gerard could you at least acknowledge your baby brother's presence" he gestured to himself.
"I've heard you and Pete say worse" Gerard snapped at his brother
"That's cause you were eaves dropping"
"I definitely didn't expect to hear what I heard" he countered turning back to his husband and without missing a beat connected their lips
"Oh my poor eyes" groaned Ray "get a room you horny bastards" he yelled when Frank pulled at Gerard's lips making him moan
"We are in one" it was Frank's turn to snap at the people in her house
"I think he meant like a bedro-"
"We are in one and we can do whatever wherever" he cut the blonde off going back to connect her lips with his husband's
"Fine we can read a room and know when we are not wanted" Ray replied with an amused smile "come on Mikey"
"Have fun sucking off each other faces off" Mikey countered with a disgusted look
"Oh we will" Gerard mumbled against Frank's lips
"Tell me again why you agreed to be your brothers divorce attorney?" asked Ray as both men approached a black car in the driveway
"What can I say" he shrugged taking a seat at the passenger's seat
"You give me a response Way or I will drop your scrawny ass in the middle of town" he threatened - or tried to threaten since the afro haired man's voice is too cheerful to come out as a threat
"You wouldn't dare" Mikey remarked with a light laugh
"did you not expect the marriage to work out and for Frank to want to take everything if it does happen since there was no prenub signed" Ray pressed on making the blonde to roll his eyes
"Why would you think that, I love Frank. He's the best thing to ever happen to Gerard" he replied "and you know that" he quickly added
"Then why?"
"Well I could ask you the same thing" he interjected "you've been friends with Gerard and Frank since middle school, hell you helped Gerard prepare for his first real date with Frank. So why Raymond? Why did you expect that Frank will get tired of Gee and dump his ass and-"
"Mikey you're talking out of your ass" he cut in
"Well answer the question Raymond Manuel Toro-Ortiz"
"Did you just address me by my full name?" he snapped his head to Mikey ignoring the fact he was still on the freeway
"Eyes on the road Ray" he frantically gestured at the highway
"Fine" he sighed "I won't ask you if you won't ask me. Truce?"
"Hmm" he placed an index finger on his chin feigning thinking it through before replying with a 'truce'
"Although" he continued as he raked his hands through his blonde hair "I just thought of something that could be a good reason if someone else were to spring the question on me. Wanna hear it?"
"Sure. Amuse me"
"okay let's face it, Frank is likely to die from some kind of skin cancer or disease thingy as a result of his uncountable tattoos scattered all over his body" he began, making Ray shoot him an un-amused look which he ignored "then Gee will want to get married cause you know my brother he doesn't do well alone- probably going to be Bert who owns that dinner beside his office, I see the looks he gives him" he mumbled the last part to himself "then he's going to see that no one is as great as Frank cause he is his soul mate and all, then he'll ring me up wanting to divorce Bert" he concluded with a satisfied smile
"Really Mikey?" Ray raised an almost challenging brow
"What? Have you tried to count her tattoos, and Gerard tells me he's planning on getting his knuckles done after the baby arrives. I mean pretty soon he'll be able to walk butt naked and people will assume he's wearing some long sleeved-turtleneck-body contour- or something like that... okay that would be pretty cool" he added the last part as an afterthought.
"Sure Mikey" Ray simply nodded knowing it was pointless to argue with Mikey especially if he had his signature crazy look in his eyes like he could slit your throat if you disagreed with him
The younger of the two leaned his head back against the seat humming to himself with a satisfied smile plastered on his face.

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