New Perspectives

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So I got this idea after watching the bad list music video by Z Berg and Ryan Ross.
Enjoy 😘

"If you make friends with yourself then you'll never be alone" Ryan muttered the words painted on his walls to himself. With a practiced smile, he willed himself out of the bed and into the living room space where his smile morphed into a frown when there was no brunet brewing a midnight coffee. He stood dazed for a moment before he noticed the noisy car horns of busy streets or rather lack of said noise and it was then he recalled having an episode the previous day which led to him dashing into his car and driving to his beach house. With a sigh, he looked up at the wall clock confirming the time was just a few minutes past 4 am making him immediately wish Brendon was here. The brunet would have stayed up with Ryan, sing to him with his voice that could make the angels jealous till he fell back asleep. He dragged himself back to the bedroom.
Brendon had given Ryan the idea of getting a place outside the city, away from the city noise and pollution to serve as an escape-safe-space whenever he felt overwhelmed or had an episode; so a house at a quiet rarely visited beach positioned to have a perfect view of the water just by looking out any of the windows seemed like the best option, and of cause this was to be expected since it was cause Brendon himself who had personally picked it out. It worked great the first year and half, but now just like every form of therapy Ryan had tried, it wasn't working the same wonders. His brain chemicals, taken by surprise at first have now adapted to the 'treatment'. But given the view it held, Ryan still visited.
A lot of times Ryan looked back and wondered how he ever survived for so long before Brendon came into his life. He stared back up at the painted words on his wall 'if you make friends with yourself, then you'll never be alone' Brendon had said those words to Ryan during their first sessions roughly 3 years ago and Ryan though it was one of the weirdly accurate things he had ever heard, except when considering Ryan's issues, might have a whole new level of meaning.
Confirming from the flash of the neon light from the digital clock on his nightstand that only 7 minutes had passed since he last checked the time, he realized he had a long night ahead of him and he really wanted to hear Brendon's voice but of cause he couldn't cause being Ryan he forgot his cellphone in his hurried frenzy to leave the house.
Time rolled by painfully slow for the dark haired man with only jenga to keep himself busy with and a can of soda which after drinking he headed back to his bedroom cause there is only so much time you can play jenga alone before you got bored out of your mind. He faced the celling shutting his eyes hoping by some miracle that sleep would finally take over.
The sun still refused to rear its head and deciding he could no longer handle the boredom, Ryan did the only thing he could do in the middle of the night while stuck at a beach house with no cellphone or his favorite human being. In a white shirt over a pair of black slacks and no shoes and a black coat, he headed down to the beach. It was empty as expected which was a win-win situation cause it was quiet and the air was fresh not to talk of the calming sound of the ocean and the way it looked surreal with the moon casting its lights down on it and it also meant he was alone with his thoughts to think it through rationally.
He quietly walked along the shore of the waters with his mind all over place not thinking about anything specifically, and that was when he saw it. Something lying in the sand caught his eyes. He quickened his pace as fast as one could in the sands. He got closer realizing it was big and black. Perhaps a dog with black fur. He finally stopped in shock as he stood before the black dog which was definitely not a black dog. The black fur turning out to be a black gown and needless to the say the dog was a human, a lady. Ryan paused in confusion, tilting his head to study her feature. Brown pool of hair sprawled out around her head, dark closed eyelids with long dark lashes lapping over her pale cheek and dark lips in total contrast to her ghostly pale skin. Maybe the moonshine was playing tricks on him but most importantly, a steady chest; there was no rise and fall to indicate breathing. He stared longer eyes fixated on her chest waiting for even the slightest motion and when he got none, it was logical for him to conclude she was dead except for the nagging at the back of his mind telling him perhaps she wasn't as dead as he assumed and he could save her. With a groan, he got down on his knees and hoping he remembered how to give CPR since he never had to give one before.
"What was that song again?" he mumbled to himself before slightly parting her lips with his hands then breathing into her "how deep is your love. How deep is your love" he said somewhere between singing and mumbling , pressing down on her chest with open palms with each 'deep' twice then going back to breath into her parted lips. He did this four times before she suddenly coughed up water into his mouth making him recoil and land on his butt in both disgust at the exchange of salt water and surprise (surprised it actually worked).
He watched as she sat herself up spluttering and furiously coughing out the water in her lungs and taking in deep breaths.
"Hey err- h-how you feeling?" he reluctantly asked in a tiny voice.
She paused, not expecting the voice before turning her head to him
"Who the hell are you?" she asked in a raspy voice before clearing her throat glaring at him "who are you" she repeated her voice now smooth and dare Ryan say, she sounded symphonic
"The person who just saved you. Your welcome" he replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"What the-" she looked behind her at the body of water then back at the man beside her "saved my life? yeah right" she chortled.
"wha- so you think you just somehow got air back into your lungs?" he snapped.
"well maybe I didn't want to saved you idiot" she murmured under her breath before looking back up at him with a what Ryan could only describe as a crazy look in her eyes "besides who goes about kissing strangers at the beach at night without so much as saying 'hi' to them"
"Kiss?" he couldn't believe his ears.
"Lips-to- lips, your lips on mine. I believe that's how kisses work"
"Wow okay I have nothing to say to you. The look in your eyes says it all"
"And what is that supposed to mean?" "It means you're crazy" he replied getting up
"Wait" she called out making Ryan stand still. He wasn't really going anywhere. "to answer your question, I drowned in a fucking salty ocean, got washed up to the shores of only heaven knows where, and the cherry on top of the icing, my rescuer isn't a hunk like in the movies but a scrawny effeminate looking man. So how do you think I feel?" her voice getting louder as she continued.
"Oh really" he shot his brows up taking the comment about his features to heart "well, have a nice day ahead you ungrateful little piece of s-"
"What you can't just leave me here" she cut him off
"Watch me" he took turned away
"I don't know where the hell I am" she darted her head around her to prove her point.
Ryan turned to her "oh I'm sorry, I thought you didn't want to be saved. Since this was apparently a suicide attempt so how about you just swim back into the water, close your eyes and rest in peace." He concluded giving her a wide smile.
"Why would say that to me" she began tearing up, lips quavering "you don't even know me and you're telling me to go kill myself. What are you, some high school bully" she sniffed as a single tear fell.
"Why the hell are you crying? You're the one who said you didn't want to saved"
"It was a figure of speech" she snapped sniffing
"Figure of speech, what is it supposed to mean. Enlighten me" he yelled not minding the eerie silence around them
"I was just being dramatic okay" she yelled back
"Why would you do that, it makes no sense"
"You make no sense" she weakly replied then added "I'm a lady, being dramatic is my DNA". She concluded rolling her eyes
Well that's definitely one more reason for Ryan to be gay. She stared at the sand as her crying died down. "So now what" she looked up at him.
"Now what" he mimicked her
"Are you seriously going to leave me here?" she asked eyes wide
"I promise you I don't know where the hell I am. You already rescued me, and leaving me in the hands of-"
"Ugh fine" he cut her off. He rubbed his temples "this goes against a lot of my principles but I guess you can stay at my place till daybreak then we'll see what next"
"Okay" she nodded before giving him a suspicious look "wait you're not getting any ideas are you"
Okay this lady is impossible he thought to himself "I'm not into crazy people" he simply replied
"Well the feeling is mutual cause I'm not into effeminate-"
"Don't call me that" he snapped
"Lanky guys" she corrected with and eye roll "with stupid haircut" she quickly added
"My haircut is just fine" he snapped
"Do you believe everything your mother tells you" she snorted
"I am really regretting this already" he muttered to himself "get up" he lightly kicked her on the foot
"I can't" she glared at him
"What, you crippled?" "No I am not"
"Then get your ass up"
"My body feels inhumanly heavy from floating for what I assume to be at least 20 hours and my legs feel dead" she laid back down on the sand to prove her point
"So you can't feel them" he kicked her feet harder
"Hey." She snapped. "They feel wobbly not that the cells there are dead"
"You haven't even tried to get up yet"
"It's my body and I know the mechanics of my body and right now I know what I feel"
"F**k fine" he sighed "I'm surprised you weren't pushed off a cliff or something" he stooped down to pick her up
"Ha-ha" she replied in a monotone draping her arms round his neck "but it's actually funny you should say that, because I was pushed off a cruise ship."
"You're a fucking dead weight" he grunted
"Oh thanks. What every girls dreams to be called 'heavy'" she sarcastically replied "I will tell you all about the attempted murder after a nice hot bath and a cup of hot cocoa"
"You know I'm sure whoever pushed you had a good reason and I might just see why"
"That is very rude. You don't even know me"
"First impression matters and from I gathered, you are an asshole and a nut job."
She rolled her eyes at him "I want the hot cocoa in the tub just to be clear"
"Just keep in mind that I can drop you and make sure you hit you fucking head and make it look like a goddamn accident ok" he glared at her imagining if he could pull off a move he saw in a movie once where the man broke another man in half by bending him over his knee.
After what seemed to Ryan like an eternity, he finally arrived at the house where the two proceeded to argue, with the brown haired lady insisting on Ryan carrying her to the bathroom.
"What, why did you stop?" she snapped her head at him
"How do you propose you'll take off your towel before I drop you in the tub?" "Simple, I take it off" she replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world
"No way"
"It's not like you'll care"
"What was that?" "You practically broke my gaydar" she scoffed "especially the decoration in here" she rolled her eyes
"I'm bi for your information okay-" he paused realizing he never got her name "- your name"
"Is that short for something?" "Just z" she replied with a lopsided smile
"Okay 'just z' I'm just going to place you in, take off the towel in the tub, I've got a lot to spare" he immediately did as he said and was headed out the door to silence her complaints.

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