Chapter 21

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"You didn't have to buy all of this," I shake my head as I watch Daniella coming back into the house carrying all sorts of cat amenities in her arms. "It's 11 pm, how did you find a place that sells all of this?"

"Target," she says with a smug smile, dropping the stuff she bought on top of the couch. At this point Slippers has woken up and is more than excited to sniff Potato but she's too scared to let him get close, converting my arms into a fortress. "A litter box, litter, food, little bowls... look how cute they are," she says, showing them to me, they are black and have two green eyes on the bottom resembling Potato.

"Are you by any chance trying to steal my cat from me?" I chuckle as I follow her into her room, Slippers happily following close behind us, still trying to get a look at Potato in my arms.

"Why would you say that?"

"We're only staying for the night, you didn't need to buy all of this," I say, playfully squinting my eyes at her.

"But what if there's a need for her to sleep over again in the future?" She raises her eyebrows. "Plus, I don't want to wake up to a turd in my bed."

"You're totally trying to steal my cat."

"She likes me more anyways," she mumbles, making me gasp but she simply ignores my astonished expression. "I thought of buying a little bed but I thought it'd be ok if she slept with us."

"You don't even let Slippers, your own dog, sleep on the bed when we're together on it, but you'll let Potato?"

"First of all, You and Slippers both sleep like there's no one else on the bed, there's no way the 3 of us would fit. Potato is small."

"I thought it was because you didn't want him to watch us."

"That too," she says with a small grin. "But mostly because you sleep like a starfish."

"So you aren't thinking of making love to me tonight?"

She raises her eyebrows, I know that she wants to make a sassy remark but her sex drive won't let her pass up on a good opportunity. "Well, I thought you were too upset to have sex but by all means, let me find a bed for Potato."

"Actually, it's best if she does sleep with us, I don't think she'd like to be left alone in a strange house with a big dog that she's terrified of," I say, looking down at my arms seeing her watching Slippers' every movement.

"Uhum, admit that you just wanted to tease me," she groans, giving Slippers a few pats before leading him outside and closing the door. He sleeps with Lucia when he doesn't sleep with Daniella so there wasn't much of a pushback even though it's always painful to close a door on a dog.

"Am I the tease or are you just that easy to turn on?" I ask teasingly, finally letting Potato jump off my arms and onto Daniella's bed, she's suspicious of her surroundings only until she sees the bowl of food in the corner of the room, quickly jumping off the bed and making her way to it as if she's a regular at Evans' Inn.

She takes the opportunity that Potato is no longer in my arms to give me a proper hug, or so I thought, until she leans into my ear, letting out puffs of hot air as she speaks. "You've been having your fun out of teasing me, and I've been letting you because you're cute, but don't think you can get away with it for much longer without facing any consequences... unless that's exactly what you want," she says, finally letting go of my ear and facing me, and I don't need a mirror to know my face is as red as a tomato. She chuckles at my silent confirmation, giving me a quick kiss on the lips before retreating.

"Are you sure I am the tease here?" I mumble, still trying to compose myself as she sits on her bed, opening her laptop. "What are you doing?"

"I was working on a school quiz for Monday before you showed up," she sighs. "And as much as I want to give you 100% of my attention, I really have to get at least half of it done tonight so I won't need to worry about it during the weekend."

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