Chapter 22

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We stand there stoically for a few seconds, neither of them notices our presence at first which gives me a tiny bit of hope that we can just turn back around and run the heck away, but luck isn't on our side as Denise catches us by the corner of her eyes.

Her eyes widen for a second but the shocked expression is soon replaced by her signature fake warm smile. We have no other choice but to hesitantly walk up to them, finally gaining my dad's attention — he pales down a few shades upon seeing us seeming more panicky than Daniella and I combined.

"Anna, so nice to see you here, and... Daniella Evans, this year's Calculus teacher," she says after taking a good look at Daniella, as if she was making sure her eyes weren't deceiving her, proceeding to look between the two of us. "I never expected to see both of you in the same room, same time, let alone hanging out together in such a manner given, of course, your age difference."

"How come?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I can't imagine that you two have much in common to carry on any kind of conversation, or do I happen to be wrong?"

"Yes, you are," I answer back without hesitation.

"Daniella is a good friend of mine," my dad butts in before Denise has the chance to answer back. "They're very close... in a sisterly manner."

"I see," she nods her head slowly. "Well, sit down with us, I have so many questions."

"Of course you do," I say under my breath.

Daniella only gives Denise a small courtesy smile as we sit down, and while we could have refused, I'm pretty sure that would only make the situation weirder.

"We didn't talk much at the dinner, there are so many things I want to know about you, Anna, since we'll be spending a lot of time together. It's important that we bond — the same goes for you," she looks at Daniella. "We never got the chance to chat much at school, I didn't know you were a family friend. Let's get along, shall we?."

"Of course," Daniella answers with a smile far too wide for her usual character, which I'm certain she's using to mask her cringing expression.

"So, how did you two meet?" Denise asks, redirecting her attention to my dad. "It's quite the age gap between you two as well."

"Friends in common, it's been a really long time, I don't really recall all the details," he chuckles awkwardly, this man can't make up a believable lie to save his life... he really is my dad. "Age is of minor unimportance when it comes to friendship, I'm a jovial person, don't you agree?"

"Absolutely," she answers quickly, totally falling for his cringe-worthy charm, but if that's what is going to save us, then I'm all for it.

Thankfully the waiter also comes around at the right time to take our orders, momentarily saving us from any more of Denise's questions, which definitely won't last long. If anything, the few minutes of silence will only prompt her to think of more questions to ask — more intrusive ones.

I eye Daniella from across the table, her eyes are stuck on the view but her mind is somewhere else. I can only imagine what's going on in her mind, we're already so cautious when we go out together, making sure it's in discrete locations and out of the city, yet this is the second time we get caught... and I have a feeling things won't go as smoothly as last time.

At this point I don't even care if we go out in public anymore, thinking back to a few weeks ago that would most definitely crush me, but right now all I want is to be in a worry-free relationship with Daniella. Even if we never get to come out officially as partners.

"The BBQ chicken is our favorite, we have it every time we come," my dad says, eyeing both Daniela and Denise. "You two should definitely try it, it's their specialty."

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