Chapter 40: Finale

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Daniella and I sit in the living room, Zoe sitting across from us, a cup of coffee in her hand. The silence between us is heavy and awkward, I don't know what to say, what I can say to thank her for everything she has done.

"Thank you," Daniella says after a moment. "I can't tell you how grateful I am for everything you did today... despite you flirting with my girlfriend."

Zoe looks at her, shrugging. "I didn't do much, really... let that go, will you?"

"Why did you decide to help us?" I ask, the question that has been weighing on my mind for a while finally making its way out of my mouth.

She sighs, setting down her mug on the table. "Honestly? I don't know," she shakes her head. "I guess I just didn't want you to have to go through what she made me go through... and I also feel like you have so much more to lose. It's hard to explain."

I nod. "I understand, it doesn't matter why, though, it's the fact that you did."

"This is getting too sappy," she groans, standing up. "If you happen to have a single friend as cute as you, send her my way."

Daniella chuckles humorously, standing up and extending her hand to Zoe. "You'll be the first one I think about," she says as they shake hands, Daniella's grip tightening for a moment, making her groan.

"Thanks," she says sarcastically, rubbing her hand. "I think I'll be heading out, I don't want to interrupt your family time."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner?" my dad asks, walking out of the kitchen.

"No, thanks. I already overstayed my welcome," she says, grabbing her bag. "Have fun you two."

The door closes behind her, the room falling into silence once again. This is awkward. I don't know how to act around him anymore. I know things are never really going to go back as they were before, but I can only hope we can try to move forward.

"So..." he starts. "How are the renovations going?"


"I don't know, Soph," I sigh, looking at the puppy in front of us. "Is she ready? I don't want her to think I'm doing this as a way of making her forget about Slippers."

"I mean... isn't that the intention?" she shrugs, holding the small Golden Retriever in her arms.

"No," I shake my head. "Maybe..."

"Anna, you're not adopting a baby behind her back — it's an adorable puppy, she hasn't had a puppy in nearly 2 decades, she'll love it."

I take a deep breath. "Ok, let's do this."

"Hurray," Soph jumps up and down, making his fluffy ears bounce around.

"But we will have to babysit him for a bit at your apartment until Lucia has everything done at home," I say, raising my eyebrow at her.

"Double hurray."

I roll my eyes at her, getting everything we need before leaving the pet store, the puppy sleeping soundly on her lap as we drive to the shop. We get out of the car as quietly as possible, trying not to wake the sleeping ball of fluff as we make our way inside the shop and up to Soph's apartment.

"Awn, look at that baby," Jenny whispers as we come into view, immediately getting up from the sofa where she was reading. She approaches Soph, planting a loving kiss on the dog's forehead.

"Oh nice, I've been replaced," Soph grumbles before getting a less loving kiss from Jenny.

"What did you name him?" Jenny asks, ignoring her.

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