Chapter 24

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"I wasn't about to suggest you move out," my dad says as he follows me into my room, desperation clear in his voice. "Where are you even going?"

"Doesn't matter, I'll figure it out."

"You're being irresponsible."

"Maybe," I say simply, throwing random clothes inside my backpack. "I'll come back for the rest."

"You can't be serious."

"But I am," I shrug, picking up Potato. "I'll take her with me."

"So are you just going to knock at Daniela's house with a cat in your arms?"

"I'm not going to Daniela's house," I mumble, walking past him and going down the stairs, I can sense him following close behind me. "It doesn't matter where I'm staying as long as it is far away from this madness."

"You're the mad one if you think you'll be fine out there on your own."

"I'll figure it out."

"Fine, you're not a kid anymore so go ahead and do whatever you want but you'll come back, Anna, and I'll take you back in because I'm your dad and I lo—" I close the front door between us, there is no way in hell I'm hearing that bullshit, I'd rather sleep in my car than having to come back and listen to his I told you so.

Yes, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, and yes, this was an impulsive decision and I'm screwed but I'll be fine. "I wouldn't leave you behind," I sigh, scratching behind Potato's ear once we were both inside the car to help her calm down, the whole discussion seemed to have scared her a little. "That witch is allergic to cats and I'm sure you'd be forgotten, but I'll bring you back if you want," I say, waiting for some kind of response, a meow would be sufficient but she simply lays down on my lap. "I'll take that as an 'I want to go with you' anyway."

"You've missed me, haven't you?" Soph says, burying her face in Potato's belly while holding her little paws up. "You're so cute and fat."

"That's fat shaming, you know?"

"How am I shaming? I said she's cute," she grins, looking back at the cat in front of her. "You can stay here as long as you need."

"Are you saying that to me or her?"

"Do you really want an answer for that?" She raises her eyebrows.

"This is temporary, only until I find a place for the both of us, I'll start looking tomorrow."

"Don't be silly, you've always been welcomed here, and you can't just move out on your own," Soph says in a more serious tone. "We both know damn well that salary of yours doesn't do miracles."

"I don't want to be a bother," I sigh.

"My mom loves you more than she loves me, she'll probably kick me out so you can claim my room," she chuckles. "What if we move out together? It'd be so much easier if we shared rent and house expenses, plus we get to be roomies."

"Your mom would have a heart attack if you move out," I shake my head.

"She'll get over it, I'm more than capable of being on my own and it's not like she's losing a child as much as she thinks that's what's happening."

"You don't have to move out because of me Soph, I'll figure something out on my own."

"It's not just because of you though. I saw a really cool tattoo and my mom did say I couldn't get one for as long as I was under her roof so..." she wiggles her eyebrows.

"You can't be serious," I chuckle. "Fine, we'll look for something together then as long as you don't bring that damn cursed doll you have, it creeps me out."

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