Chapter 15

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Daniella's POV

"Have a good day," I say as I park my car in front of the shop Anna works at.

Soph comes back this evening, which means this will probably be the last time I'll be bringing Anna to work. It sort of gives me some mixed feelings, I don't mind picking her up, it's nice to spend this short amount of time together — minus the stress of having to hurry her ass up every morning.

"You have a nice day, it's your first day actually teaching at this new school. How are you not excited?"

"I've had plenty of first days of school to be excited about a new one," I sigh, inclining towards her so she could kiss me goodbye. She places a single long kiss on my lips, followed by many quick ones.

"Are we having lunch together today?"

"I'd love to but one of my colleagues will be showing me how they do their cafeteria duty," I groan.

"How exciting," she jokes. kissing me again before picking her bag up. "Call me whenever you're free, I want to hear all about your first day."

"Uhum, go before you get me late."

"Fine, don't be too mean to your new students. Love you."

"Bye, love you," I answer before she closes the door with that big stupid grin of hers.

All of this still feels so surreal to me, we are really dating... My past self would never believe it, yet I have no doubt in my heart that I love her. I unconsciously look down at my hand, analyzing the ring she has given me on my birthday, I feel like I've done it a million times but I can't help the giddiness I feel every time I look at it.

A honk coming from behind me reminds me that I'm still very much parked in the middle of the street and that I should probably hurry up unless I want to show up late for my first official day... all over again. I ended up coming slightly late last year because I nearly ran over Anna's ass.

Correction: Anna nearly got her ass run over. I take absolutely no blame for what happened, or would have happened.

Thankfully, this year I came in time to open up the classroom before the students gathered in front of the door, and still had some time to go over all the names and pictures, I don't really bother with attendance, it's a waste of time and I can perfectly tell by the ugly pictures and equally ugly faces, who's in and who isn't.

I'll be teaching freshmen this year, not because I want to but because the teaching method of this school is to assign the same teacher to follow students from their freshmen year all the way to their senior year.

I get the idea behind it but I don't think I can deal with the same idiots for 4 years straight.

On the bright side, at least I won't have to constantly remind new students that I am not a cool teacher. But surprisingly everyone was fairly respectful — as you'd expect from a private school. There were no complaints when I handed out the usual short quiz that I prepare beforehand every year, just to know what they're good and bad at.

Thinking about it, I might as well be their coolest teacher, at least compared to the P.E. teacher, whose screams we can hear from outside, even with the windows closed.

Putting the kids to run around the school on the first day of school? That's just mean... we'll get along great.

All in all, this first day of school wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Except for the cafeteria duty, which was absolutely dreadful, especially because of how organized everything was. Watching sheep eat grass would be 10 times more exciting — I never thought I'd be complaining about how well-behaved these kids are.

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