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Chapter Eleven






Breathe again.

And repeat.

Those are the thoughts that go through my head as I do each clean stroke through the water of the Olympic sized pool.





Breathe again.

And repeat.





Breathe again.

And repeat.

My fingertips brush the tiled wall before I turn and kick off. Startingl the cycle once more.





Breathe again.

And repeat.

Seconds later,  both my hands are being pressed against the tiled side once again and I come up for air. I reach my hands up and brush the goggles off my eyes and rub them before throwing the goggles onto the splashed floor just out of the pool.

My coach stares at the stopwatch in his hand before writing some numbers down on his clipboard, he clips his pen in and looks down at me.

"Great job today, Belle! You're almost at the record! Just a few more seconds and we're there!" he says in his thick Dublin accent and I can't help but groan.

"Aye, cheer up a bit, head off into the showers and I'll see you tomorrow," he says motioning over to the girl's showers and locker rooms to the left of him.

 I nod before tredding over to the ladder which leads out of the clorinized water. I hoist myself up and grab my towel which lay by a chair on the side of the pool. I push open the door and almost smash into Jennifer, another girl on the swim team.

"Sorry 'bout that Belle!" she apologizes and I can't help but laugh at the look of embarassment on her face.

"No worries! Are you heading out already?"

"Yeah, I have to get to physics but I'll see youu tomorrow okay?" She says while adjusting her pony tail with a small grin.

"Definitely! See you!" I reply and with that she takes off in the way she had first started.

I continue to walk into the locker room until I reach my own locker where I left my bag with my clother for the day, along with my phone and where the black-stoned locket hung from a hook simply gleaming in the dim light.

I reach out and take it of the hook and turn it over in my palm and rub my thumb over what seems to be some sort of inscription. I squint my eyes, trying to read it but it's no use. I sigh before sticking it in my bag and grabbing that and heading off through another doorway where I am led into the shower room.

It's a room with a few head-level mirrors and walls alligned with showers and curtains. Walking over to the shower at the end, I place my bag on the ground before taking off my towel and throwing it next to it. I turn the knobso the hot water comes on and turn to close the shower curtain. With it closed, I back up into the hot, steamy water and let in cascade down my back, relieving my stressed muscles.

A few minutes upon entering the shower, the water turns frigid. I jump and turn the knob so the water is all the way off and reach for my towel on the floor. I dry myself before reaching into my bag and pulling out my underwear, leggings and light, gray Jack Wills hoody and slip them on before slipping on my flip flops and going for the locket.

My hand reaches the bottom of the bag but I feel nothing.

I look in and I can't see the silver chain.

I swear I put it in there though...

I move the curtain and look around outside to see if it dropped around the bag when I thought I placed it in there.

It's there so I move the bag aside but it's not there either.

I scan the rest of the room until I see silver glint on the other side of the room against the wall under one of the mirrors.

"What the hell," I mumble to myself before getting up from my crouched position and walk over to where it is.

It is the locket.

But how the hell did it get over here?

I crouch back down and pick it up, turning it over a couple times and unclasping the clasp and taking both sides of the chain and bring it around my neck, reclasping it. I stand up and look in the mirror and adjust the chord, but something catches my eye.

A shadow.

Shaped like a man.

And moves from one side of the stalls to the other and stops at the end and seems to look at me.

My breathe catches in my throat and I turn quickly.


I look around.

No one's there.







I finally updated!

I'm so sorry!

Please comment and vote and I swear I'll update soon!

Thank you so much for the 7,000+ reads! That was my goal for this story!<3

Love y'all!



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