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Hello to my like six readers! Haha :) anyway this is chapter one *happy dance* and i would really appreciate if you guys shared this story with other people. Thank you! And by the way i call my readers my sock monkeys haha clever right? Anyway enjoy! Oh one more thing, this story is copyrighted which means you can't take my story. Gots it?

***Dedicated to EleanorWannabe because she was my frst fan! Go check out her story!***


Naomi Montgomery put the last photo in the cardboard moving box. It was official, she was done. The box in her arms as she stood from her spot on the floor and walked out her door way. But before she closed the door she turned around and took a deep breathe. This was her home for the last 19 years of her life, and she was leaving, not coming back except for holidays, it was a sad thought. Looked at the room, she realised how empty it felt. The cream walls cleared of posters, pictures, and mirrors; her mattress bare without the sheets and covers that used to lay there: her closet stripped of her clothing and belongings, it  just felt so different. She sighs, pulling and twisting the doorknob so the door is finally closed.


As she's on her way to Chaisty University, she hums along to the radio. She was excited no doubt about that but she was also nervous and for some strange reason a bit scared, she pushes he thought away as she sees the sign in the distance stating the name of the university she would be attending. She smiles this is it.

As drives into the grounds, she passes houses where she expects some of the students to live, the dining hall, some seperate buildings where some of the more private classes are held, and the main education hall. Her sorority is on the other side of campus, which isn't to terrible of a walk or drive, its's quite a small college anyway.


As she pulls into the driveway of her new home, she takes a moment to take in its features. Its a white colored building with pealing paint, it has brown shutters and shingles, and looks to have at least two floors.

Naomi shuts the engine off and gets out of her car, shutting the driver's door. She goes around back and opens up the trunk of her car reaching for one of the boxes when a deep husky voice startles her.

"Eh, do you need any help with that?"

Her head whips around and sees a boy around her age, maybe a little older, with a cheeky grin, curly brown hair and sparkling green eyes, the first thought that came to mind was that he was very attractive, but Naomi shakes away the though and smiles, "That would be great actually, thank you."

He takes the box from her hands, "I'm Harry by the way, Harry Styles. I live in the house next door." Naomi grabs a smaller box from the back of car and starts to walk towards the front door of the house.

"I'm Naomi, and I really appreciate you helping me," she twists the knob and finds the door unlocked, she pushes it wide open so they both have room to enter.

"No sweat babe," he replies to her with a winning smile, she could already tell he was a flirt. 

She puts the box down by the stairway, and turns around to face Harry, motioning towards the box she just put down "You could just put it here for now." He sets it down, and they walk back to the car to collect the rest of the boxes.


After about fifteen minutes, most of her stuff was at the bottom of the stairs. When they are getting the last box, someone calls Harry's name.

"Harry c'mon, we're gonna be late!" They turn and see one of Harry's friends, harry waves to him signalling that he'll only be a minute and turns back to Naomi. "I have to go, do you you think you'll manage?"

"Im sure, but thank you for helping with my stuff, it would have taken ages."

"No problem," Harry pus his hand on his neck, and looks down a bit, "Well you see...i was kinda wondering...  if you wanted to come t my bands gig tonight?"

"Sounds like fun, i'll see you there."  she smiles at him, and picks up the last box out of the trunk.

"Really? Thats great well i got to go, wait give me your number so i can text you where we're gonna perform.

"Sure," Naomi half rests the box on the edge of her car, still holding it with one hand. She grabs her phone out of her back pants pocket ad gives it to Harry, he does the same. they swap numbers hen return the phones back to each other. 

"I'll see you later," he flashes her a smile, and puts his hands in this front pockets.

"Later," giving him a small wave, she picks up the box, shuts the trunk door, and walks back into the house closing the door behind her.

 Now that she's alone, she fially has a chance to look around. She starts with the living room which is closest to her.

Its a large room with ligt blue walls and a sofa in te middle pushed against the wall, a few photos hereand there, a television on a stand, and a desk in the corner.

Next is the bathroom, totally normal a sink, a toilet, and some peeling wallpaper of what looks to be teddy bears.

Onto the kitchen, there's a stove which also functions as an oven, an island with a couple bar stools, and lots and lots of cupboards that probably hold pans and plates.

As naomi is aout to move on to the dining room she hear the creaking of floorboards, which makes her stop in her tracks. She was positive she was alone in the house. The creaking gets a bit louder.

Naomi starts to walk slowly towards the living room area, as she's doing that she sees a shadow of smeone against the wall. her mouth is dry so she swallows, "Hello?" Then turns the corner.


Haha cliffy! Sorry for any mistakes this wasn't edited. Anyway, my sock monkeys did you like it, not like it? Let me know please! And I want to add one of the girlfriends i this meaning Danielle, Eleanor, or Perrie so let me know which one  should add so I can write Chapter 2! Okay Love you guys.xxxx


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